More than just feelings
The rest of the pack probably knew what soto was going through, being all male themselves but they weren't about to rock the boat. they all had urges too but kept to themselves about it though one or two had learned how to take care of themselves.
So arthur was now a ghost with eldritch cthulhoid cock muzzle tentacles, representing the inner rapist of all male-identifying non-trans species, which ejaculated orange ectoplasm like thermal vents in the darkest, deepest ocean of hatred and proto-gnostic
Joyride: The Signature
Delve was anxiously tapping his fingers on his desk, the wolf's paws were a perfect grey, girls would always tell him that, usually right after asking why he managed an all male club.
Balls in the Air
There were some, all men, scattered throughout the crowd, who were squirming and red faced as the ferret worked to entertain them on this day at the faire. they didn't understand why, but watching the ferret juggle was giving them the strangest feelings.
The Quest for the Holy Dildo #11
"and they're all men?" devilah asked. "why? anticipating a target-rich environment?" sampson laughed. | [!
Ménage à Trois
"are all males... built like this? is charles..." "nonsense! do not compare this sweet gentleman to a lowly brute. and not a word of this to anyone."
Regression event
She asked defiantly to all men around, flexing one of her arms, the one she used to punch the bear. lucas had never seen a bicep that big in a woman. he remembered being that strong when he was a teenager.
A new Beginning Prologue: Kurt's Story.
After inspection all men were gathered in the mess hall eating their breakfast, the large wolf sitting at the officers table, eating his food and discussing things with the other officers.
Balm for Dichotomy
all male rodents had their sheaths removed at birth ... for religious reasons (primarily), and for sanitary purposes, too ... but with the non-rodent prey species (and all male predatory species), the sheaths were kept.
Heat of the moment
He had that stupid smile that all males had after a blowjob, but she was not done yet and it seem his cock seem to know that as it was still erect.
Chapter 8 - From The Desk of Mordecai Crossbell II
It says 'the debt that all men pay' when translated into english. that's the key!" i did not move.
Jhuthi Rsi Ka Gana
"here is the place where all men come from" he said "this is the secret of death. you see, death is a mask.