Beast Brawl
Eddie watched the bartender pour him a third whiskey sour before he'd even asked for it, and had to ask himself how he'd ended up where he was. He had left Austin before he'd turned 18 to become a wrestler, and now he was back with nothing to show for...
Ady and the Beast
Adonis beast. wanna fuck." that had definitely not been a question, and though it seemed "adonis" wasn't taking "no" for an answer, jacob wasn't so sure he minded anymore.
The Beast of the Redwoods
The beast rolled his hips back a few inches and _hammered_ back home with a force that knocked jaz's upper body right up against the tree.
Hell's Beasts
But his fear was a different beast, it flared as he submitted. it almost reeked too much, that spades was starting to push back on vincent. he pushed her down, strongly.
Unleash the Beasts
With each thrust, the outline of the beast's cock could be seen through his abdomen. but that was not enough for the beast. he wanted more. more.
Unleash the Beast
The beast had been unleashed in more ways than one. in eager worry, skippy backed up.
This Beast is a Beauty!
The confusion was finally starting to lift as the warm clothes played over his beastly body. they did that every day, didn't they? many times a day before they left him to his beastly endeavors. other days they even offered their services in aid...
Unleashing The Beast
This was when the beast inside macan awoke, his grip tightened, and he was much rougher; that was when nomad noticed that macan's artifact had activated. he turned and saw his eyes were glowing green of the jungle his beast comes from.
A Beast's Sorrow
Nakoma approached the large mirror, her sweeping tail stilling as she stopped in front of it. It was so strange seeing her own reflection in something that was not water - how did this modern world do it? She lifted a thin hand and tapped the glass...
The Beast Within
The beast within the beast hunts those whom he may devour, but he does not feast upon the flesh, he finds you when you least expect it, ripping your spirit from your chest, your shell crumbles over the hollow core, the void within swallowing
Taming the Beast
So there is the situation, our oversized beast sprawling all out on the hay which was quite due to replacement.
Beasts Unleashed
The factory was abruptly dead silent, save for the deep breathing of the two beasts within.