Albion chapter 6
And i'm not talking about the prophecy, that whole bit about _the one who frees the sword shall be king - or queen_ - again, here is yet more advice - ignore that prophecy. ignore it!" again, hannah shrugged. "like i said, i could be wrong.
The Big Bully! Typhlosion VS Emboar!
Matt ignored his last sentence, while trying to look away at him. "are you ignoring me?" he threatened matt again, but again, the typhlosion ignored his sentence. "well then, if you're like that, why don't we fight? right here, right now!"
Gemini – Chapter 2: Realisation
"ting" went the bell, he ignored it. tapping at the cobblestone behind him, he ignored it. a pointed digit tapped him on the back, he ignored it. "umm, clover, are you going to be alright?" a worried voice asked. "(sigh) i'll be just fine spike."
The Dark Cell: Taste Buds, Teeth, and the Licking of Blood
But, i didn't see, or hear that part...or rather, i'm choosing to ignore it. like i always do. as should everyone else.
Raccoon's Tail - The Beginning
But she pushed through it, ignoring the stares and whistles she got from others at school. when her heat started, her father tried to encourage her to stay home, but sorscha always ignored him and went anyway.
016 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.08
ignoring all the red flags because "what if she's nice?" and "it's just a fling" and then i'm fronting for 3 weeks after you get that dear joax out of nowhere.
Untouchable: Chapter 18: But that's not fair!
I'd like that, text me the time and i'll be there," xander replied.he thought, "sean hast to be ignoring me... but he can't ignore work requests. xander made a meeting for this afternoon at 2:30pm near the end of sean's workday and e-mailed it.
I Cannot Read Because of the Cat
I'll ignore the slow peel of my arm because the cat has decreed it must be peeled, and i can no longer ignore the cat's wishes. then she jumps out and knocks my book to the floor. do you see this? do you see what i'm dealing with?
Corruption Story: NOT on Vacation
_roleplay...that could be fun._ jonathan shook his head, trying to ignore the fact that he was pulling a demon along by its dick, trying to ignore the feeling of his cock throbbing in his pants, and trying to forget that he was carrying an amulet that would
Open Content Stream Story: Crying over New Litters
Every little stroke got her wetter, and she couldn't ignore it, couldn't ignore the reminder of how feminine she had become, and what her new body was like. and worse, what it wanted.
Twilight Fading
And yet i ignored it all, my hair smoothed back, and pulled into a tail at the nape of my neck, a stalk from the center and to the door, and a smile crossed my lips.
Coming To Terms...
I can't respond to you every time you want me to, but i assure you i'm not ignoring you. it's when you begin bugging me constantly that i ignore you, because i've told you before i hate when you do that," the dragoness says as she stops grooming him.