Kayla: Pain of Innocence
His parent that he loved and trusted had struck him very hard, quite a few times. she presented her penitatas parental side, and the cruel inginuity that came with it.
Luke and Theo Chapter 1 Tied and Tested
At 12:30 the bell rang signaling the end of the day, at 12:45 he saw with many other parents, his mom enter with theo walking smugly behind.
OSAT: Chapter 2: The curious and the girly-boy
But i do believe that his parents are on board and that's where i would like him to go. is that alright with you, honey?" bernard's green eyes sparkled and he laughed before nodding happily. "of course, of course, my dear. as you wish."
Dark Destiny - Chapter 1
The warm feeling in my heart from my parents was swiftly taken over by the pain in my bladder, so i went out to the back outhouse and went to pee, what a relief that was.
Burnin' Bunny Buns
#1 of tiny toons babs whimpered shyly, looking up at principal bugs with a quiet shudder, hoping against hope the stern looking rabbit would grant her leniency, or at least let her off with a note to her parents. but it had grown far to late for that.
Whispering Twins (Part 5)
He didn't stop gaming until their parents came home, deciding then was a good time to hide in his room and do some home work so he avoided an argument with henry.
Todd's Senior Prom (Part 7- Finale)
'my parents have a couple they don't use; i bet i can bargain one off them. and i'll teach him.' 'yes,' my mother said. 'the fox who stole a car is going to teach my son to drive. and his parents will simply give a car away so he can do it.
Akio's House (Part 3)
Their parents looked at them as if in shock that they knew what the expression meant. my mum, she just put her hands on her hips and smiled.
Chapter 1: Goodbye Willowdale
Flora's parents dropped her back at her dorm and went to their hotel. they would have breakfast together in the morning before her parents went home.
Two Husky Sisters
The two of them were now fully engaged in a 69 session and their moans gradually began to get louder each of them trying to, but failing, to muffle their voices knowing that soon their father would be home and their parents might notice how long they'd been
Summer Mornings
The younger dalmatian huffed, muttering a quick "i'll help" before moving to pick up his parents' plates and trailing after his brother.
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 29 healing pain
It was the defeat that ember handed her in the tournament when they faced each other.** **still something inside her resisted the thought that a parent could really do something like that.** **"however, with a mother like wilmfe-" cynder was pretty scared