All About the Timing

The coldforest smiled tenderly, taking the trinket in his hand before slipping it over his neck, the gentle clink of bone on bone sounding out as the two talismans swayed against one another by the soft rising and falling of their chests.

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A Pawnbroker's Tale

Jamie merely stared at the trinket in the bucks hands before shaking her head. "i need the money, can't you give me anything for it?" she looked a little desperate on this last note.

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A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 6

The more battles and contests each has won, earns them a trinket. the more trinkets one has, the higher rank and the more privileges they are entitled to.

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Fullhearts eve

The city was gearing up to shift as much coin and trinkets as it could before tonight and the beginning of the full-heart celebrations.

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Chapter 1

Thanks to that, and cinder's habit of losing himself in his reading, wildheart had come home with his trinket to a cavern smelling of rotten fish.

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The Secret Admirer [TSR]

The ruby in the centre of the trinket faintly glowed as the heat of his lovemaking rose, indicating how full of the dragon's lust it was.

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Day 26) Desire

There were baubles and trinkets galore. various stones, tomes, spellbooks, curse dolls, bones, a typical magical shop. perfumes, slyvester found himself within the isle as the yeen fennec hybrid pondered the options amongst the various options.

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LAWT #2 ~ Memories [Pt.1]

He held up a trinket. "you're such a messy packer!" lorrie commented. "that depends on what i'm 'packing'." alex replied with a sly grin.

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How To Invoke

But it passes, and you find yourself still sitting with a lap full of weighty trinkets, in your dusty spell-reading place. smell the enormity of burnt hair and ozone. tremble with the force of your own beating heart.

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College Brings About Change

Most of the items seemed like decorative baubles and harmless trinkets, but in the corner was a wooden carving of a large humanoid beast that was almost as out of place as the coffeemaker. "ah, i see my little statue has caught your eye, young man."

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"Good Girl"

A chainmaile trinket dangled from its d ring, probably cold against her bare skin. little did she know that i had lowered the temperature of the room before she had entered, though i'm sure she felt it. still she waited.

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Open Poetry

, nerves of steel, we are a country of laid back idle couch potatoes, and yeah that is a cliché now but for some reason that still goes unheeded it's because of the lack of guts, balls, nerves of steel that many crawl to these groups to gripe and pick up trinkets

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