
He tries to refocus, but there is something about being relaxed in this manner which is causing an unwelcome erection. he wriggles a little underneath the reptile's touch but does not make a peep.

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A Deal

My question is, considering you're still amongst us living and breathing, why you'd dare venture into the world where the living is unwelcome and doomed upon their first step within?"

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The Return to Moscow part 2

This city was once occupied by god-fearing men and women but had now been overrun by bandits and thieves and a whole menagerie of unwelcome creatures. "here, by the abandoned library! i saw them!

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Prologue Penumbra

Sliver's eyes narrowed as his holo-visor scanned and fed him key information about this unwelcome intrusion.   his chem and bio-sniffers indicated a high blood-alcohol level and the tell-tales of recreational soporific drug usage. 

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Where Minds Lay: Distances Between

My eyes have the unwelcomed sight of my roommate, jav. the older-looking gator has his white shirt unbuttoned and his pants undone and down past his hips. he probably just walked away from doing something that involved no pants.

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Bolt's Third Lesson...

Bolt, grudgingly, reluctantly, began to suck on the unwelcome appendage. the appendage shoved in his ass felt as if a hot knife was stabbing him every time the rottweiler thrust.

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The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 16

"did bomani touch you in any kind of unwelcome fashion?" she asked. the fox was stunned speechless a moment. "no bianca. he has been far too busy seeing to ceberune's health to show me any attention."

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0) Prologue

A feeling of despair covers him, following him like a dark cloud as he slowly trudged back to deliver the unwelcome news. he knew that the wolf would be very displeased. it was almost as if the tiger did not want to be found. surely, all hope was lost.

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The lizard swallowed thickly, a gnawing fear of what was to come settling over him like an unwelcome guest. ember muttered the words he saw to himself over and over, trying to decipher their precise meaning.

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The killed dragon's descendant

That unexpected presence, was nevertheless not unwelcome. there had to be some plate that explained the legend behind the two dragons, supposing the second dragon had a role in tarant's tale.


Rape in the Plains

He was dirty, enjoying this eyrie's unwelcome ministrations. "aren't you a little slut?" adriar said once his beak was removed from arthur's asscheeks. arthur winced at those painful words. "you liked that licking, didn't you?

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Chapter 7: A New Love

In the corner he recognized a familiar but unwelcome face: blood. he snorted a loud snore in the chair he sat on, shifted position slightly, and then continued his sleep. he was nude except for the small black cloth that barely hid his sex.

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