My Wonderful Little Sister- The Art of Yiff Part 2
He wondered what clark would have thought of that, only to realize that if george were still alive kyle and katie would never have gotten together. in theory, at least.
Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 1 - Trapped in a Box (Prologue)
"Oh for fucks sake..."Fuck sake, fuck sake, fuck sake! God damned FUCKING door!" He threw his entire body at the metal door, or what he thought was the metal door, trying to escape the cold and the dark of this metal tomb. After beating his paws...
Winter Workers
The dark-furred wolf was small, perhaps around four-fifths of his size, and anori briefly wondered if he was even going to_fit_. yet she stood firm as he mounted her from behind, with his chest against her back.
My Wonderful Little Sister: Love's Twilight Is Its Brightest Hour
Katie was certain she was about to watch her friends die, and wondered just how she was going to be able to forgive herself for letting it happen.
Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 7 - Unrealised Friends and Unseen Enemies
Mark woke up coughing, the taste of blood strong in his mouth. He was lying on his side on the floor, apparently neither Daniel nor Derrick decided to move him. He opened his eyes although they weren't of much use, everything was blurry and he couldn't...
Star Fox Chronicles: The Side Quests: Quest 1: The Seven Wonders of Corneria
"so all in all," adair continued, "six of the seven wonders are false. the last wonder however is completely true. it was slippy and peppy who figured it out." "so what's the last wonder," i asked them. fox stood forward with a smile on his face.
What's it like owning a pet fox? Or ever wonder about getting one?
As a fox breeder like myself, i want to share my thoughts on anyone who wants to get or is thinking about owning a pet fox. Now yes what you see in youtube videos of foxes just trashing your home can happen if you allow it! I want to share my tips on,...
And so, they made sure that roxanne knew the stories of wonder and magic that all children were told. but they knew they were true, now, and wanted roxanne to know it as well. ????????????????????????
Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 3 - New Life, New World, Still Alone
"i suppose you're wondering why you're here." said the mouse with a grin. "don't give a shit." mark grumbled. "now now, mark. there's no need for foul language." the mouse said, slightly aggitated.
Chocolate Chip for Santapaws
"oh, and be sure to wait up for me next year so i can have some more of your wonderful chocolate cream." and with that santa winked and up the chimney he rose.
Walls: Exodus 23 - A Moral Mosaic
I wondered.
Mind Control Tales: Hypno Bears Edition 1
"just think, the mighty wonder bear, now my mighty super slave!" the panda clapped his paws together. "but i bet you're wondering how i've done this. and in case you're wondering, no, i haven't upgraded my devices to work at a distance.