Binary Genetics-Chapter 2

Unlike the locals who were dressed for the cold day, they were wearing dark business suits, black patent loafers and despite the overcast day both wore sunglasses. the passenger was older, with graying hair. "are you in charge?"

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Office Payback

Ignoring his loud protest, sean pinned the tiger down and used a claw to shred away the business suit before doing the same to the fox, who put up no resistance, "now, i want you to see what i do with your secretary just for being in you're office at the wrong

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Heather 1

A well dressed female hare walked through the door, she was wearing a tailored black business suit, her hair was short, but well arranged. she is mrs. cynthia jones, attorney at law. normally she sent in her housekeeper, consuela.

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A fox clad in a business suit folded his ears back as his gaze traced over mine, our eyes meeting briefly as he moved into the stall and noisily attempted to lock the door.

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Chapter 1: Watching

A sense of unhurried urgency took the young zebra's movements as he dropped the long trenchcoat from his form and followed after it with the rest of his business suit, kicking the pants aside last.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 11

But standing at nearly seven feet tall, always dressed in a business suit, and always with a detached look on his face, mr. pretty was a very mysterious and imposing figure.

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Passionate Escape Chapter 1

He had grown absolutely sick of proper business suits day in and out; here he would have a more open taste in clothing. he wanted to appear professional when he arrived at the hotel, but he couldn't give two shits about how he was dressed after that.

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Running In The Rain Part 1

He was wearing a dark brown business suit over his pale orange body, and his dark brown ears went back against his head when he laid his brown eyes on the loiterer.

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From chains to Riches: Chapter 3

The wolf was wearing a kind of business suit, in ikato's opinion looked very good on him. hiroto smiled as he saw his beautiful fox sitting on the couch just as he had instructed him to, he was a little surprised that he had even remembered.

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The Kocher Recordings: Entry One

She sighed, and straightened her business suit that was their office's uniform. "i have to get back on that stupid paperwork. i'll see you tonight for our usual friday dinner?"

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Vivy and Crystal

As she waves to a male fox in a business suit, she turns her head to the right. vivy faces a pawn shop, but it seemed to have an eerie look to it. in fact, one could say it looked abandoned.

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