Those Sundays
**Those Sundays** ** ** A welcoming shade slants far across the ruffled air of the stable block, where swallows wheel and nest no loss with earthen love, from poll to dock. I brush loose hair from around your girth, as you nuzzle and lip for...
Xandar Biax - Origins
When he was but a young pup, around the age of 2, his mother left him on the back porch ofhis grandparents house and she wasn't seen again for a very long time. His dad was a great man and a constant provider and raised 2 young children alone, while...
I nearly died today, and all I can do is wonder why, as i slammed into the truck I realized there is nothing and no one waiting for me. There will be no sad faces as a funeral, I'm just another in marked grave waiting to happen. As I limped away I...
Mein Sohn Peter - Kapitel 4: Weine, wenn du willst!
**Hallo! :3** **Nur kurz nochmal:** Diese Geschichte habe ich im Auftrag eines langjährigen Freundes geschrieben und beinhaltet nur wahre Ereignisse. Lediglich die Namen, der beteiligten Personen wurden geändert. **Warnung** : In dieser Story wird...
Pretty Little Pup
Her body rested peacefully on the steel surface. I looked down at her lifeless form with a mixture of love and sadness. Hopefully this procedure would open up new insight to her cause of death. If I didn't know better, I'd guess she was delicately...
A Virtual Wish, Chapter Three
I feel myself hovering in a semiconscious state, locked in my Coffin. It won't let me out fully until I specifically decide to Rise, and now that won't be for another few days, or until I regain consciousness in the Sleep so I can decide that. My...
That Gay Goth Dog: New Beginning
"Fuck! Again!? REALLY?!" I growled loudly at my computer, which just crashed for the fourth time tonight. "Fuck" i said and slummped in my chair. I looked over at my clock, and the the numbers read '4:54AM' and i growled. Man, i remember when hayden...
Open me up
**Open me up** Open me up, I am but unlocked, That life turned sour, Should be of no shock. The fruits are shrivelled, Their lies flicker loose, There's no going back: I'll tie my own noose.
Something to consider
There is a simple fact that all men must eventually contend with. We are what we leave behind. A man has a life. His life must eventually end, so what is left? That is up to him. What we build, what we say, and what we do will outlive us. We are,...
A Patient in Palmetto - Epilogue
Monday, September 24, 2018, 2:30 PM It was a gray, cloudy afternoon in Florence, forecasts call for overnight showers. Steven, 21 years old, was driving his way towards his newest job where from what he was told was just a crisis hospital, a hospital...
Pictures In The Snow ( A DitD Christmas Story - A Writer's Portrait )
As the coyote, i can do all the things in the story i'd do in real life." he stared at his hands a moment, then gave the dragon a little smile, and wagged his tail. "the coyote represents the real me. the dragon represents the person i wish i was.
Jackob's Life Chapter 4-2: The Real First Time
Two days had passed since then and it became Friday, which meant that Nick's parents would come back home in two days. This didn't deter neither Nick nor Jackob from enjoying the time they still had left together though, especially the Thursday, were...