Shower time at the Great Fox
And this time, it will be skintight" then she purred and licked fox's left cheek. after that, they left the showers, dressed up.
Far Star: Par
It wore a skintight suit made of a dark black substance that loch could not identify.
Making a Pet
They were both dressed from head to toe in skintight rubber, but the fox could not determine their species. one of them approached with a sinister-looking hook, latching it into the d ring at the front of the fox's collar.
[Commission] Don't Tempt a Queen
As for her clothing, she was already in her swimsuit, a skintight one-piece, of a blue that was deeper than her eyes, but lighter than the tone of her paw pads.
HipHop: Big Booty Vigilante
She wore skintight leggings with cheetah print, a simple shirt knotted on the side to show off her wide hips, huge bubble butt and well toned stomach.
Coyotoy Procreaction
They had peeled of the skintight swimsuits and were roughhousing a bit as they soaped up their beautiful bodies and each had a steadily stiffening hard on.
He wore skintight pair of jet black pants and tall chunky boots on bottom but a thick parka over top. his nose was red from the cold and antlers jutted up atop his head from a splay of ruffled hair. "he's cute..." luster thought to himself, passingly.
The unexpected life of a puppy Ch.1
She was wearing a pair of skintight jeans, a pair of lower heels and a black jacket that didn't look too warm. if she said she wasn't nervous, she'd be lying. she was a german shepherd, closing in on 35, and she was still alone and without children.
Game Night - Carlton and Dante
On that note cat boy unbuttoned his friend's jeans and pulled them off him, revealing his smaller, skintight tidy whities.
Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 8
My skintight wranglers were tucked into the army combat boots i was given. in the dream, it was near 1 in the afternoon, or 1300. i was in the middle of the rubble, probably around what would have been the 50th or 40th floors.
Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 6
Sparky threw on a simple pair of skintight denim pants of very light blue, and nothing more. he looked stressed, but why i didn't know.
Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 5
He was wearing skintight wranglers tucked into combat boots, and a leather vest that looked like it belonged to a biker gang. underneath was a simple black t-shirt. his face was rather handsome.