Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Endgame-The Protectors Of Light-Chapter 1 (Part A):Destiny...The flame of hope that ignites in the darkest hour!
**Chapter 1 (Part A)-Episode 1,Part 1: Orphaned As A child...** * * * The story begins with me,drake Shadowflame in my hometown,dragon paradise peaks a year and a half after the disappearance of my father,Richard Goldwing,a famous explorer and and...
When a Charizard is bored.
In Kanto, few trainers could ever hope to achieve even facing the Elite Four without wetting themselves. Fewer still could beat them, but that is not the case with two trainers. These two sorted out their differences and preferred that, instead of...
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 19: Big Animals Scaring Little Animals
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 19: Big Animals Scaring Little Animals** Day 79 I came to sometime during the night. My head hurt like hell, as did my arm, shoulder and abdomen. My vision was also blurred. Which was not a good sign. What was...
The Gift of Life
Art - owlette writing - runa bantam - eladrim leera - runa cameos - runa, vinn, and olympiaxylaige i know bantam loooooves somewhat more carnal desire based vore that involves fear, terror, and dominance as well as a little pain. (well, a lot of pain).
3:24 When the Hammer Falls
_Parasite is the third part of The Underground series_ _Chapter 24 of 29_ **When the Hammer Falls** "_Son of a bitch! What just happened?"_ Clark's angry voice demanded to know on the other end. "We think she used the satellite!" Alias yelled,...
Ch. 17 Halloween Special 4/9 Commode Corn Maze
"We're here" Greg called as he parked the car amongst about 20 other cars. It was a beautiful fall day and when Aleck had woken up that morning he hadn't expected to have to visitors. The first had been Mark wanting to come over to play a game. The...
Embrace Animality: Be Gay [WS/Scat]
Peter's eyes went wide and his beak plastered across his face, quivering in terror. the owl's screech was long and riveted peter's very soul like a howl out on hell.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 17: Good Is Good, Bad Is Bad, But You Are Something Else Entirely
She must have seen the sheer terror in my eyes. despite this, she said nothing as she placed her paw on my back and pushed me forward to stand in front of her to greet our visitor. "just wonderful sir ram."
Balance of Power Part 1: Hidden Talents
He shivered, and was uncomfortably aware that it was not simply because of terror.
3:25 The Other Side
_Parasite is the third part of The Underground series_ _Chapter 25 of 29_ **The Other Side** "What a mess..." A disgusted voice spat. Blood had run openly from the stab wound, staining the front of his shirt, pooling on the pavement. What once had...
3:22 Endgame
Tonight will be a huge factor on if we get to keep our counter-terror response team. we get the freighter, we get the bomb, we get the terrorists, hopefully we get jim and leigh alive." clark shrugged.
The Slayton Solution
Jeremy still trembling in absolute terror, responded with a shaky "y-yes!" slayton seemingly overjoyed that jeremy seemed to have found his voice "good!"