The Revenge of Smith
"aww man, i end my turn" his monsters point's going back to normal smith draws, looking at his card "hmm, i summon alexandrite dragon #2 atk/2200 def/300)" thanks to mountain it gained the power bonus "attack his weak knight now" "i don't think so smith,
Lab Stories: A Lion's Hard Time
I deserve a bonus for this." "yes, and that bonus is going to be _not_ being the test subject for a change." _test...subject?
Draykan Enters the Fight
Draykan belongs to draykan every month, i post a bonus story over on my patreon, and i like to open up the vault after a certain amount of time to let everyone read these works.
Epic Mounts - Damsels and Dragons
"mmmm... that'd grant an even larger bonus. she'd definitely have his attention then."
PP4 - River & Hugh
This was his bonus,after all. who would deny him fun like this, at a charnco event?
Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories 2
"the bonus for completing the rush order in time for the orange challenge finals is massive. my last bonus just came in and its almost all spent, i just want these renovations finished and paid off a lot of bills.
Hank Heartken
He turned back to the desk, "what i have here is an open airborne infantry slot, it is a four year obligation with ten thousand dollar lump sum signing bonus.
The Apoc-Fur-Lypse, Group 4, Scene 7a
Contributing and non-contributing readers may provide bonus plot points for any character by providing fan art (with a cap of up to 5 bonus plot points per contributor). you heard me: fan art! post a link to your fan art on this story page.
Mutual Negation
"take this; it will make sure that you get some bonus out of this." the bunny's blush grew even stronger, but he took the pure silver coin and slipped it into his pocket.
325 Dinner Games
It seems that this is the secret bonus that keselt was talking about, so they just have to try it.
Captain Landon of Monstertown
When captain landon wins an overrun check against resistance (her bonus is +35), she may elect to do one paw attack's worth of damage (+4 to hit, at full strength bonus) to each person she tramples.
A Hunt Gone Awry
The fame that came success was merely a bonus. she had heard the tales of ran'kor since she was but a little vixen kit, but they had the opposite effect on her.