the alchemist, his son, and the quest for immortality
The alchemist, his son, and the quest for immortality the young boy walked through the maze that was his father's study, the study was a large room under the house, it was massive, possibly bigger than the house itself, and that wasn't counting the numerous
Immortal, Chapter 10 - Mortal World
immortal chapter 10: mortal world katashi's eyes opened slowly as he lay in hospital. a bandage around his head and his mother sat next to him. he smiled softly and lifted his hand taking hers.
Immortal, Chapter 8 - Yansei no Yoso
Chapter 7 continued and the first introduction og a yansei no yoso immortal chapter 8: yansei no yoso the rain poured as three hunters remained silent. with two of their numbers down, they were selecting their targets carefully.
Eternal Blue 3: Immortal Memories
No one could keep an immortal company except another immortal. "i'm alone." tireal could not help him. she could not help him. no one could help him. "i'm... alone... so alone..."
The Forgotten Gate
Anu and lucas turns and heads through the gate to begin there new lives as immortals.
They're here
A real new born child into this world to instantly be inducted into immortal, and there love would bear that child like how they thought they should had done from the start.
Heritage of the Blood Ch.02 - New Beginnings and Awakening
Slowly... too slowly for some of us, but the rebirth had to begin with the lesser immortal races first. the dwarves, the elves, the gnomes, all had to return for us to be able to as well. "unfortunately, some fear the return of the immortal races.
Foundations Ch. 1
immortals only sometimes let non-immortals know about their true identity, sometimes keeping watch on potential candidates whom they deem worthy to know the secret and benefit from it (the immortals call them "particulars").
Zhaiothe Part 3 (0.5) - Second Heartbeat
"i never thought i'd take an immortal to the afterlife."
Watcher of ArceusChapter 2
"immortality is not what you think it is. immortals don't lead an unending single, but rather many lives.
A Kitsune and Her Samurai
The human said as he returned his gaze to the immortal being across the fire from himself once again feeling a blush taint his tan cheeks. "is it true that kitsune are immortal?"
Violating the Divine Law.txt
immortality for himself and the person that had started it all. he wanted koron to be immortal, with him. he looked behind him, the little lizard was sleeping. he opened the door and picked a sword from it's sheathe. tonight people would die.