Furtasia: Elves of Furtasia
When it comes to magic, high elves are most likely to study arcane magic, and become wizards/sorcerers; forever studying and expanding their magical knowledge, like scientists of magic.
Confessions and Ill Omens
We are more into knowing secrets of our world, and knowledge, kate said. "sometime knowledge is a dangerous thing however. my world had much knowledge, yet it lacked wisdom.
Chapter 17: Oh, THAT Mental Examination
"life is the pursuit of knowledge, and knowledge is the application of learning. an overly stupid person does not live." the doctor sat in silence, analyzing the things shadow said.
Birthright: Chapter one
"as you read this know that i am sorry to place this burden of knowledge upon you. i fear however the path left open to you with the absence of such. in this book i have placed all the knowledge i have.
Dragon Story Ch: 2
Her task is to acquire knowledge and something of value. most dragonesses leave for a year and return with tools, books, spices, and stories of travel.
Whispers of the Frostbound
Although english is my second language and i had no formal education in it, i was undeterred; any errors that may remain are a testament to my self-taught knowledge.
Never Ending Conflict
She craved knowledge as it were a piece of fruit in a tree just out of her reach.
Kinktober Day Ten: Micro/Macro
Of course, the knowledge that she was about to be paid back for all of the teasing that she'd dished out earlier was both a thought full of anticipation and the aching knowledge that she was going to be denied her instant gratification.
Thrygon: The Unknowing God
He quickly learned how to control this ability and promptly freaked out and ran through a wall, his prior life having just enough control to create one last thing, a life to this new universe without the knowledge of being a god.
Lost in Translation - Chapter 7: Goldenbloom
Gently she shrugged, "of this i have no knowledge. its shape baffles my perceptions; i cannot descry its use. likewise with metals, i have no knowledge; only that i have read certain metals can be used as bijou."
Journeys through Outer Canidia - prologue
The don, a cat of unceasing inquiry and zeal for the expansion of knowledge, entreated upon me to take some refreshment.
Even doc natalie hasn't solved that one yet.xians believe themselves to be gods, and are bent on conquering the universe on a holy crusade to destroy anyone who refuses to worship them, and feed their need to be worshipped.they are scavengers, absorbing knowledge