Just to be a jerk, misha had ordered the "micro platter" for his meal, and then the micro desert. disgusting.
Evening Mishaps
For those of you who don't know im also a micro, though i wear an earring that masks my smallness and makes me big like normal people, well when i say normal i mean non micros and non macros.
Lions and Tigers and Micros, Oh My
It contains m/m sex and micro play involving consenting adults. :3 **lions and tigers and micros, oh my** ikenna growled happily as he rubbed his whole body up against the soft bulge of warm fur and flesh before him.
2023-02 Compilation
[#micro](%5c2023%5cdaily%20writing%202023%5c02%20-%20february%5cstories%5c2023%5cdaily%20writing%202023%5c02%20-%20february%5cindex.html#micro) [#vore](%5c2023%5cdaily%20writing%202023%5c02%20-%20february%5cstories%5c2023%5cdaily%20writing%202023%5c02%20-%
Date Night with MagPi
When maggie _did_ notice that shira was trying to fight back, she humored the dragoness by relaxing her grasp and permitting the micro a small win.
Securing the Stoat
micros had to ride secured. the shields they sold near the ticket counters were the best way to do this while allowing the smaller guests a chance to look around.
Matt the rescuer
The micro took his last gambit and pushed it off. however, be it a lack of preparation or a lack of reflexes due to the gas, the bear also fell to the floor.
Online Dating
He had been looking over one of the many dating sites where regular sized furs try to meet micros. the websites were notoriously over filled with the larger of the two while micros tended to be in short supply.
One way to feel refreshed
Story summary: a micro sergal has his roommate fill him with coke and mentos, and it goes exactly how you would expect. word count: 1863 here's a silly story i did for myself, featuring my characters cheezit the micro sergal, and layra the sharktaur!
Lion vs You
As a final insult to your true insignificance as you begin to be softened by his enzymes and juices, he sits back in his chair and teasingly presses the second micro up to his belly, squishing it against that round micro prison, smiling softly as he coos "
Request story for chatters (micro)
Called "as far as logically possible" but some micros are just too in love with something to let go.
His Own Heated Pool
Thankfully, kobalt has a solution for cody getting cold, and it involves an extension of the micro's mini waterslide...