Birthday Party
"I suppose you two will want coffee with your cake?" the elephant said, rising from the table with a shift of her hips that still caught at Ben's libido. Dinner was over and Steve belched before excusing himself. "Your wife sets a good table,...
Pool Party
The day of the party, i saw someone right away. a male pikachu who was rather buff, but not too much so. i frowned as i followed his glance towards some female's chest, and sighed. he was hetero. it figures. not many were into the same sex.
The Costume Party
He wasn't the sort of fur that got invited to these sorts of parties. he wasn't even sure the invite was meant for him.
Halloween Party
Plus he needed to find a costume for the halloween party. just a week later, jay showed up at the party dressed as a wizard, complete with fake white beard, a pair of bushy eyebrows, and a carved staff.
Party time
Today i was ordered to serve drinks for the whole evening for my master's friends at his private party. "phew,no male sex for today" - i thought... but i was so very mistaken...
The Kangaroo Party
The party was wild, kegs were out, music was pumping, it was the kind of house party you aren't invited to, it was the kind you just went to. bradley decided to make the best of it and headed to the dining room.
Dragoness at the Party
"come, all, and join the party within the belly of this beast. you cannot run anyways, for you all are part of a feast!" at this point the words of the dragoness took on a much more literal meaning to those who came to samantha's party.
After Party
#1 of smex after a night of partying, young nick finds himself too drunk to find his way home himself. luckily for him, his friend is more than happy to assist him, especially when he sees what nick is willing to do as a thank you.
Jabba's Party
Shortly, i will throw a grand party and i want you looking your best when you dance for my many esteemed guests." oola nodded numbly, and slowly began to get down off of the dais.
Party Favor
It had been another wildly successful turnout - nathan had become quite the life of the party over the past several months, and the cleanup had been particularly trying today.
Party Goer
This time, however, clyde had insisted that dan join one of the monthly house parties as part of the rent. \*\*\* the party vibrated all around dan.
Private Party
Been hosting these kinds of parties for, like... five years? no, six." "wow, so he's a veteran," josh replied.