Going Under, Chapter 1 - Sleepy Bear

Anything you say while in this state can only be the absolute truth. do you understand?" "yes..." said harry. "now," i continued. "in this state, you like doing as you are told. it relaxes you and makes you feel good. say it." "in this state."

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Jewel of the Spring #5

I stated. gina's eyes lit up when i agreed to let her stay, as long as she saw fit to. hey, she's helped me out in the past it felt good to return the favor.

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After School Math Lessons

He states, a little relieved that the phone rang when it did.

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Half-Blood Chapter XXXIII

He stated sadly. "you talked to your father? when is the funeral i may ask?" jordan asked from the head of the table. "i would like to meet your father, and give him my condolences of course," the man stated.

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Isotex: The Wave of the Future

In this state, the organism induces intense euphoria and places the subject in a state of near-coma. subjects who have been revived to consciousness through various means testify that it is like "cumming [sic] for eternity."

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Treading Chapter 16 -- Rory’s Party

"well, we should go find naki," loraine states as she stands up and the other two follow. "yea, alright. later, fen," samson states. brian pats between my ears a little. "take care, little guy."

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Watcher of Arceus - Path of the Immortal Chapter 3

Thomas stated softly as he looked to her. "its just so many things could happen. her... name was yolanda... and she was the last to share a place in the heart of my bloodline." thomas stated.

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Antecedent 11

"if this involves dead bodies, then the answer is surely no," celestia stated instantly. "hear me out," chitin stated, waving her hoof once. her eyes seemed to glow for several long moments, and she gave a delicate nod.

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Watcher of Arceus Chapter 5

Sarah stated looking at it as thomas put it on. "i wonder what it was used for?" "i'm not sure myself, your father never talked too much about that glove, he just asked me to hold on to it." diana stated.

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Watcher of Arceus Chapter 6

The ivysuar stated. (hey pal, back off.) the infernape stated. the ivysuar acted quickly before the infernape could react.

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Halloween in Devout America

In fact, hell houses gradually replaced other haunted attractions all across the states during october.

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Three Teens Shocking Surprise Fun Night

"i-i don't know about this." one a sheep stated. "maybe we should leave." a monkey stated. "relax and just act like you belong." spoke the confident one who was an owl. all of them were wearing black hoodies with blue jeans to try and blend in.

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