Frightmare At 35,000 Feet
classic roles of william shatner from "the twilight zone" and "star trek" meet in this dream-sequence crossover tale, which also pays homage to the movie "airplane" and the series, "battlestar galactica."
Wolf Moon: Prologue
There is three types, the classic half man half wolf(bitten as we call them), the born wolfs (person changing to a huge wolf), and the royals(like me we turn into both).
Love after all - Page 4
John was sitting in the driver seat of a classic camero ss, black with two white stripes down the middle. i smiled, john always knew how to impress. i jogged off to the car and opened the passenger side door, sliding in.
A new place to live - Prologue: A new country, new people.
His room was only 4 by 3 meters but it had a private bathroom and was simply furnished with a single bed near the window, a wardrobe, a desk with a new laptop and classic school stuff.
Fenris Chains - Leyding
Anyway, dromi wanted to pull a classic heist for our first job: he wanted us to rob a bank. most banks these days handle money electronically so there's not as much cash to be gained from bank robbery, but like i said, it was a classic.
Then the computer processed the [website]( and then computer told all of it's text and made all of the images pop up, replaying the classical music, "ahh, you told me about him.
Can You Help Me? - Burning 2 - Destiny and Dreams
I looked down myself seeing i wore a classic cavalry outfit. it was like a scene form a movie as i felt him run his hands up my sides. shivering his strong hands came to rest on different spots.
Return to Equusscence
-big fluffy- prologue: in the rig vedas of classical hindu texts, the horse is an appropriate sacrifice, for it represents fire and the sun itself.
Picture Perfect
Oh, there were some beautiful paintings here, plus many classic prints all beautifully framed. ironically, the item that stood out above all the rest was an advertisement.
Valentine Valkyrie
I heard something viciously whip open behind him before he grabbed his crotch with the classic "dohhh" face which says he just took a shot to the family jewels, or in his case, the family zircon.
Table for Two
The light of the club dimmed bathing the room in a cool blue light, the classic style disco ball sending aqua rays onto the walls and moving bodies in electrical waves to make a optical ocean.
Just Like The Movie - American Werewolf TF
Halloween was just around the corner, after all, so kicking things off with a classic werewolf movie was a given.