Seekers: Chapter Twelve: Old Arpeggio

"i was originally an a.i interface that protected a compound known as epitaph." "so it was a building." i accused, tapping my fingers impatiently. "what happened to it; and who is the director?" "the director is the person who made me."

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No Chance, Ch 3

Rex... right... then..." she paused, considering her question, "if about two dozen people survived in the compound, how many anima--" she didn't get to finish her question.

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Love Of The Pack (Part Two)

Their moans echoed throughout the compound until jack could take no more and once again ejaculated, his partner announcing their orgasm with an even louder, more piercing shriek than the last.

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Once Broken Draft 1 CH 05

"they put all the equipment into a guarded compound because they kept being sabotaged. vandals the corporation say. but now they are well protected. no one can get to them." she pulled up a map of the city and indicated a large area.

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The Difficulties of Being the Youngest Sibling

It had been a afternoon like any other at his family's compound.

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The Envoy Arrives

Flower nods her head and heads off to the hunter compound. lita growls low when flower passes her and dramon turns to watch lita, who appeared to be trying to catch a scent that she had just missed.

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Xenomorph 4

Shayde, seeing what happened, told ace to jump as he drove the hummer into the praetorian, crashing into the compound. shayde got out of the hummer a bit dazed and fell to his knees holding his cut head.


Krystal, Rouge and Renamon 10 - The Brave Rescue

Right it's 4:45 now so i'm gunna make my way to the compound. terra gave me this video and audio uplink that i'll put round my ear so you two need to guide me through the compound got it?"

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Hearth Star: Bug Hunt

Blood red compound eyes turned towards their wounded compatriots as the mindless insects were distracted by the free meal that their injured companions presented.

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Better Expansion Through Science

"the compound is at the perfect level of alkalinity and is remaining stable," said gord, taking a seat at a console. "excellent," said tasha. "administer the catalyst."

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Sink Hole

The map spun around to the cone, then zoomed in on the planet, arriving at the compound they were at, then the compound lifted off the map as the ground disappearing, leaving a floating three dimensional layout of the complex, a small piece of the energy cone

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Project Valiant: Tape One

However, while i agree with the decision to send him to compound two, i think we can still salvage this experiment. i have already instructed finch on what to do with jrd when he gets to compound two.

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