Home Security Part 1
"what ever be the matter there little bear you look like you seen a tasty salmon or something " that dam smie and giggle again he huffed as she looked over him .
Fairest Scarborough (Alphabet Superset A)
Battering her dam as unpluggable leaks burst forth. she was just on the cusp, just a nudge from being toppled over. 'deedee..' she whispered mentally. the serpent leaned forward and grabbed her shoulders.
One Winter Night
She wasn't putting on any weight and had trouble keeping any food down, even her dam's milk.
Creature Comfort (1)
Pressure built slowly, massing at the base of his shaft, like a vast sea of tension rolling up against a dam. then with a sudden roar of pleasure, the dam broke, and sensation rolled across him.
The vixen and her prey
"dam he runs fast for a flat footed being." danny turned a corner of a building, and then ran down a set of stairs. he put the map of this area in his head.
A matter of respect
"dam that must have been a thirty kiloton warhead. that would have taken out ten square miles." a minute later his vision cleared. he knew one of the talents his body has is that it heals itself fast.
Coming Soon-Chronicles of the Accused (teaser)
However, this is only the first leak in the dam; the crack is sure to spread. what lines will be crossed? what boundaries will be broken? is anyone safe? only you can decide.
Anum Chaos - Party of emotions - ch. 1 and 2
W.a. giggles too "well its normaly dam. i don't hear much michael jackson but that song...i 'can't ' get them out of my head." "but you aren't michael and your moonwalk looks a bit funny." faly replies. "hehe.
Encounter with a Werewolf Outside a Hot Dog Stand
The pressure threatened to push him back but the werewolf's mighty paw held him firm, plugging up his hole like a cork in a dam.
Then the dam broke. thick cum desperate to escape rushed to her crown and pulsed from the tip. altogether too much to escape through the tiny hole all at once.
A Memoir.
Crisp morning air blew across the dam and stirred the water surface; and as my vision went white from glittering lights filling the water, i started to sob.
Times & Tribulations of a Sucumouse Pt10 Betrayed by Love
Stay away from her and nara, and i will make sure she harms no one who is not already dammed.