Video Game Wars ISA!
But there was resistance!_ _` in 2004 sony formed an armed resistance of humans, furries, and star wars fans to counter the threat of microsoft's iron fisted rule!
Shadow Of Chernobyl-Chapter 1-First Mission
They formed the resistance as a way of exposing the draco project for what it was and to stop the use of dragons like tools.
No Last Chances-Chapter 4
The panther stood before us, clad in resistance uniform and slinging some sort of smg across his back. we stared at him, dumbfounded as he smiled back at us.
DragonZ Chapter 11
\>location-resistance h.q., ragnarok \>elapsed time: 19:39:42 the sky had turned from a dark red to a cloudy blue, looked like was to rain. we journeyed to the resistance h.q. it was a great castle made of sand and stone.
Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 11
"he resisted martin." one of the lions said. "that's not possible," the canine said. "even we can't resist him if he puts his mind to it." "will the lot of you shut the fuck up!" denton was still panting.
Kinktober Day Twenty-One: Musk
She was doing everything that she could to resist the allure of his musk.
Breaking in a Toy — 6
Still no more resistance, that's even better. he looked more grim than scared, but the tears leaked quietly from his eyes. i could smell that he would resist within the next few days.
The Horrors of Stonebury, Chapter 10
"summer, y-you c- "stop resisting, mr. richards. i **know** you want this," summer tried to whisper, but her voice was thick with lust and a deep, tempting growl.
The Mind Control Conspiracy 11: The Rebellion
_he's watching paul..._ which meant that there was no easy way for the resistance to grab him just yet. he'd need to find a way to get paul somewhere out of sight of the watchers, then call the resistance in.
Apocalypse, Ch. 17
Of course, we didn't mention our role in the resistance. then came the day the resistance called for national elections. it now controlled over ninety percent of the country. immediately, campaign adds started to appear on the tv and in the newspapers.
Pine Marten Ranger TF Spell Story
But you resist for now. it's not so hard as you see the rest of the changes to their chest and especially the crotch area.
A New Perspective on Heats
You said you could resist, so _start resisting,_" michelle intoned. internally, alex sighed. this was just like michelle, bringing them to the one place in town where people went for anonymous, casual hook-ups. the red tie.