Horse Story: Year of the Horse (Slave)
strip down; i need to examine the spell aura without interference." he didn't, really, but he always loved the excuse, and havok knew little enough about magic that he always bought it.
Role Reversal Story: Always In Charge
Always In Charge for Taiko by Draconicon "So you got nothing you can part with?" "I'm afraid not, oh Great and Powerful Bruha; anything that would be useful to you is on the forbidden goods list." _And you aren't gonna bend that rule for...
A Big Tip
Trying to use semi-colons a bit more to improve my writing. PROBABLY DOING IT WRONG * * * Working at a car wash was not Mary's not the job Mary had in mind to help her through college, but it beat a McJob. She'd known people that worked in fast...
Beim dritten Date - Kapitel 3: Nicht so schnell
„Hm, was?", fragte Zaraki sich als er plötzlich das vibrieren seines Handys in seiner Hosentasche bemerkte. Sofort holte er es heraus, schaute auf das Display und war sichtlich überrascht, als er den Namen zusammen mit der Nachricht las; über die...
Deadpool (Part 1)
Lies & strip clubs. what is there not to love? deadpool: population 896. please drive carefully! the battered, dusty sign at the edge of the road exhorted.
Captain's Evaluation
Private First Class Jay Tarun was nervous. There was no denying that -- the way the blue-feathered gryphon tapped his claws on a mess hall table betrayed his otherwise calm appearance. His reason for his anxiety was a bit different than the rest of the...
In the Limelight: Chapter 2
He then followed that up with two tablespoons of benedictine liqueur, two ounces of dry vermouth, and then finally topping off the concoction with one thin strip of orange peel.
Resignation (pt.3, opt.)
"Are... are you sure?" Cross asked, skeptical of how long it had taken the Lab to answer; he truthfully didn't want to force Nate into this if he wasn't ready. He wasn't even sure if he himself was ready, now that he thought about it, forward as he had...
the mare and i
As the lad walked out from the girls area, he looked and saw loads of dancers, there where vixens, deer's, orca's, and a few bitches, he just looked enjoying this, this was his first ever strip club or lap dancing club, he didn't care, it was his first he'd
Raven & Becky
He limped into the bedroom and quickly stripped off his scrub top, throwing it on the bed. raven's eyes caught the spatter of blood across the back of the top just as becky caught sight of the injury. "oh my god! mom, what happened?
Pool Boy
Pete looked carefully to both sides, making sure no one saw, before carefully putting his bare foot against the fence rung and starting to climb up and over. He felt like a ninja lizard, except he was bright green instead of black, but the grass was...
A Lesson in Passion
A Lesson in Passion for Taiko by Draconicon Keremy sat on the bottom row of bleachers as he watched the football players charge down the field. Each time they passed, the orca lifted his camera and snapped a series of...