The pleasure was immense, unnatural! no one was meant to feel as this felt. it was beyond words. it grew in waves, each one bigger then the next. no mind could resist this...who would want to?
Love and Radiation Chapter 4
A short, almost snout like mouth, large, unnaturally large eyes and the fact that she had a crooked black horn sticking out of her forehead.
His Story part 3: Sharptooth Paradise
There was indeed something...unnatural about this place. "dad..." he finally spoke out. "what is this place...? it feels so...unnatural." slasher stopped. "i'll tell you just as soon as we..." he stopped in his tracks. he grinned. "we're there!"
Paternal Intimacy (Intro)
Other people, i suppose, see only something unnatural. beyond unnatural even, disgusting, revolting, evil, you name it. it seemed that other people, once they found out, saw my father as some kind of freak, a monster.
Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 11 - The Culling of Chentrilla (Revised Edition)
He noticed a large patch of water seem to flex and sway unnaturally, almost as if something was coming up from the surface... something unnatural.
Jungle De Ikou: Ongo's revenge
Yet his body was unnaturally buff, and his height was massive, as if enchanted. from behind her a sea blue furred wolf with a wild mane of head fur came into view. his body was just like the other, massively large and unnaturally powerful.
Cry Wolf
Into a back chamber they went, to a wolf bitch who was laying on her side, her stomach distended from an unnaturally large pregnancy. "sometimes, being born once isn't enough. a grown wolf is usually too big to give birth to though."
Meeting a Werewolf
I clench my teeth as now an unnatural warmth covers my face. it starts to change--- nose and mouth pushing outward to form a muzzle. i groan as i feel something press out from my hip in the back... a tail?
I was unnaturally tired today.that night, i dreamt of amazing things. i saw myself shooting ice out of my hand, freezing everyone who tortured me. i also saw new ways to fight, and how to counter most attacks.
A Halloween tale
Unable to hear his friend's queries of concern, unable to tolerate the noise and pain anymore, steve leapt from the stairs, his hands finding his friend's neck and gripping with unnatural strength.
Werewolf Fur Prologue A New Pack by
A second unnatural howl split the forest air, but this time the sound was much closer than before. james shook his head and was about to turn around to go back inside when a sound on the other side of the construction site caught his attention.
Disclaimer: this story contains sexual interactions of a decidedly unnatural (ctf) kind, so if you're a kid who shouldn't be reading this, or are more normal than i and don't like that sort of thing, don't complain afterwards.