Return of the Rat King Chapter 4 "Splinter Finished"

With so much of his body coated, splinter was overwhelmed by the hopelessness. "thank you mstah...what...what will you do with my body in the real world?"

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My Hope, My Love.

. <3 my hope, my love by dominius i was alone and hopeless, i thought i was crazy moron, whom was unable to be loved. "whats wrong with me." i thought everyday, everynight as i lay down. i've had crushes. i've had boyfriends.

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Words and little girl

No hope, i am hopeless. where did you go my little girl. wasn't you who told me to keep smiling? wasn't you who told me to where that mask, so that no one ever knows and my world would seem happier. why did you leave me? my happiness. is no more.


Nothing I can do

And so, with a blank stare and an open heart, i battle constantly the feelings and thoughts of helplessness and hopelessness. am i simply destined to be the rock in everyone's swift waters?

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Coming Back

He bit my neck and hurt me really bad, then he laughed and walked away telling the wildcats that i was a present, that i was ready and dissapeared in the shadows, in that moment i starting to faint and i heared them coming. covered in blood, wounded and hopeless

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Guide favorite drink: brisk ice tea favorite sound: the sound of a thinking jock favorite smell: failure drinks, with or without ice cubes: lace with uranium worst feeling in the world: school sprit best feeling in the world: hopelessness

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It laughed at the grief stricken kangaroo, telling him he was hopeless, good for nothing, nobody liked him or his work. it derided his works, tearing them apart with cruelty and malice.

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Debt | by KitsuneJey

._ _"you are such a hopeless case."_ _and then you pat my shoulder_ _while you smile before my face._ _"seems that you" i begin,_ _"understand the things i'm doing._ _you ask often for my writing,_ _and not much for other duties.

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hopeless but searching for hope anyway. they did not find their evidence. they found a history of death and mass murder. the alien council showed all of these images and more to them.

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The Four Horsemen

I am hunger, i am waste, i am hopelessness. **i am pestilence** i am the one who poisons the waters in your oceans and in your bodies. i am the one who is silent but forever everywhere.

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Suni’s night

Suni struggled few moments but ropes didn't come away, tiredly suni stopped she's hopeless struggling and whimpered "where am i" "what happened". tears started to run on sunis cheeks as she cried off occurred situation.

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hopelessness. fear. misery. these are what bound me as i looked at what came towards me. daemons, ugly and wretched, marched toward me.

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