The Beasts and Brave - Chapter 13

That metaphorical flame had ignited into a roaring inferno, and inferno that had somehow called back that beast inside me. i shuddered and could feel her, padding from the darkness, each step cooler than the last.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 45

She couldn't see his face, but she knew he was staring at the inferno, unable to wrench his eyes away. "dad!" luke called, his voice shrill and womanish, nothing at all like his usual macho bravado.

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 15

The inferno of her core burned around him, causing animalistic growls to emit as he thrust upward. as he watched her, the blue of her eyes faded into the crimson glow of her inner demon.

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Spiritual Connection

She held it, and her flames exploded into an inferno that enveloped them both and raged for terrifying few seconds before shrinking back.

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Eternal Phantasia - Chapter Two - A battle begining

Its hair was long, blood red, and horns sticking out its head, followed with drake saying "thats boss 3, also known as inferno omega." "inferno omega? hmph, lets take him out!" "hisss....."

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 45

She couldn't see his face, but she knew he was staring at the inferno, unable to wrench his eyes away. "dad!" luke called, his voice shrill and womanish, nothing at all like his usual macho bravado.

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The Cabin: A Tale of Terror; Part 3: The Escape

From that landline simcoe was also able to learned that the raging inferno from the cabin quickly had alerted the park rangers and firefighters into action.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 26

His cold infused claws struck flare right across the face, splatters of inferno spurted all around like blood from a cut artery, yet even that did not slow the monster, the beast was rabid, it was doubtful it felt any pain at all.

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Sex and Blood

I don't feel my fingers anymore; my mind is on its own with the inferno it started. for a shortest moment i can't breathe, i'm a marble wrapped in the lavish fragrance, a mind suspended over the abyss, staring wide-eyed into the depth of my soul.

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Guin Saga Zodiacs Teaser: Byin's Broken Faith.

Dropping both buckets of water and made a mad dash as the town burst into a wild inferno. eventually after running through the war ruin streets he made it to his cottage and burst open the door, passing a recently planted mongual flag.

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Aikidu arrived too late to stop the assault on kie, but managed to drag him free of the inferno and save his life with a great expenditure of magic.

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Strike Me Down

. ---- pick me up then strike me down, i will still look upon you with a frown, my heart says yes yet you say no, you put me through emotional inferno, i treat you with love and respect, from you i don't much expect, to you i am little more than

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