Hell to Paradise
violence call an hour later, all they found was a smoldering spot where the house used to stand.
Border Worlds Tales Two: Fighter down
He's the victim of domestic violence from his wife.) bws intrepid at lunar orbit. pete looked at the view screen on the bridge. it's been four hours since the cap has been attacked.
Chapters, pt 1
As far as all demographics went, bears weren't known as the most prone to domestic violence, but neither jack nor albert really cared much about statistics at the time.
The Making of a Legend - The Life of Zig Zag
After a review the custody was handed over to the grandparents and the parents were charged with domestic violence, assault, sexual assault and child abuse.
Brout "the beast," whose only child was born with a rare genetic defect, has a criminal history including: vandalism, harassment, domestic violence and breaking and entering.
Love's Battlefield - Volume 6
I might be something of a criminal myself, but domestic violence is just deplorable." "please, she beats the sanity from my head and the marrow from my bones every day and every night; why is it that only the wives get to complain?
Foraging for New Beginnings
If you're curious who jake the jaguar is, i'd recommend reading these two zack leander stories:https://www.sofurry.com/view/1751799https://www.sofurry.com/view/1823156 cw: this story mentions/hints at domestic violence, but nothing is explicitly shown.
Pt 11 - The Druid's Preparations
He is to train those we send to him in his unique battle style, and should any be injured or killed, or there be a single sign of domestic violence, the marriage shall be nulled and gux considered for banishment."
PTSD - Chapter 12
This wasn't the first time that kris had witnessed domestic violence, she'd be surprised if it was the last, but she didn't exactly know how to say that.
Nothing major, domestic violence maybe, you look like the type. then when you're in jail your record disappears, and you never get out. do you have any idea what they'll do to you in jail, harry? things that even i might not enjoy.
Calamipe: The Warm Touch Of Red Meat
Anyway, i bet your father really let loose on you for domestic violence, especially since the last time i saw misery, he was like, 6 years old." "oh, yeah. he really let me have it.
Love Letters- Third Letter
They were actually a happy couple who simply had been tailgated, so at least i didn't have to start giving out domestic violence education.