DC Profile: Heat Wave

The following defender is considered extremely dangerous. any destructive incidents involving this defender should be reported immediately to defense council administration using the di form (89b).

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Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 1

"so you decided to test out an extremely dangerous polyjuice potion without permission? you stupid girl! adding the hair of an animal makes the effects permanent. i'm afraid that you'll be stuck as a human-cat hybrid the rest of your life."

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Shade: Chapter 2

This dragonite is extremely dangerous, so i need you to take it down swiftly and carefully." i said carefully. the dragonite was panting pretty hard so it must have been training for a while. then, i saw his hand become engulfed in ice.

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Fade To Black Chapter 4 "Their Purpose"

Yes, it is dangerous, extremely dangerous but we do it to protect the human race. the monster attacks have been getting more frequently, we can't understand why when most choose to blend in with society."

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zokerus day 002ambushing the living 101

She knew that looking for a sign might tell her where she is but robin knew it would be extremely dangerous for her to look for it. unfortunately curiosity got the best of her. she took exactly 20 steps outside the area they had set up.

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DC Profile: Stampede

The following defender is considered extremely dangerous. any destructive incidents involving this defender should be reported immediately to defense council administration using the di form (89b).

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Lynx's Vision 2

"that," the echidna says, whispering into nicole's ear, "would be extremely dangerous. imagine, then, if a reconstructed badnik could impregnate someone? the scandal that would cause."

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Tamarar - World Overview

The great wetlands are a massive swamp/bog that is extremely dangerous to anyone who does not know how to navigate them. on the far side is another expanse of flatlands.

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Full of Life: Or Lack Of

But not having a conscience, and not having _any_ idea of what's going on, just made him extremely dangerous (for me, at least).

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Tale of a Dragonborn - Chapter 4 - Stealth

"even if i did, you and i would be in extreme danger. just listen. i need you to sneak into the castle and dig up some dirt on the king." melissa looked behind her and saw the not so distant castle. "why am i doing this?"

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Chapter 4: Karter's Past/Present (sequle to Karter's story: Chapter 3

Everyone knows the patients at p4 pyschward facilities are extremely dangerous and are to be kept under servailance 24/7 well... there 24/7 schedule is really shitty..

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