Mirror, Mirror... - Small to Say the Least
I realized i really should warn people in advance (with apologies to people who have gotten invested in the universe): this story series will contain m/f, m/m, m/f/f, m/m/f, f/f, m/m/m/m/f/f/f/f, and maybe some h as well.
Luke and Luna
Fun fact: "the grotto" was originally supposed to be one story with many different scenarios where the squirrel and the wolf switch genders, thus making the story a m/f, f/m, m/m, and f/f with a bonus ending where the wolf just eats the squirrel.
A Harem Game with Horny Guys
Tags: f/m, m/m/m/f, femsub, photography, photo shoot, costume, vaginal, oral, groping, blowjob, cum, knotting, orgasm, facial, jackal, dragoness,
Fires.txt - m/f, m/m, m/f(?) - nc/you name it - human, dragon - may 28, 2003 by swamprat (cl) 2003 - gay furry association very loosely based on reign of fire captain clark sat down and groaned. another damnded briefing..
Prowlers part 2 - Halloween Mischief
Scene guide: 1 - f/m & m/m. 2 - m/f/f & m/m/f. 3 - m/m/m. 4 - m/f/f/f. 5 - f/m/m/m/m/m/m. 6 - m/m/m/f/f. 7 - m/m/m/m/f/f **prowlers part 2 - halloween mischief** in an empty classroom at a private school, two furs were busy mating missionary style
A Dark-Side Deal
Tags: m/f, m/m, m/m/f, threesome, adultery, married couple, star wars, trandoshan, dragon, self-insert, vaginal, anal, nudity, blowjob, mind control, dark side, sith, lust, blackmail,
Wolfy 1
Adult, feral, wolf, pack, dominance, submission, degradation, humiliation, watersports, f/m, m/m jacob wolf woke and stretched in his hastily-dug partial den.
Chapter Twenty Four - Torture Test
"g-get.... o-o-off... o-o-f... m-m-m-e..." ben choked out as he tried to move, but couldn't. "y-you're... s-s-o... h-h-heavy..." he chocked out as he closed his eyes tightly. "okay electra, c'mon, get off of him."
Companions Ch. 42
m/m/m, human, horse, oral, rimming chapter 42: unwelcome in bizarro world anthraun and black mare returned to camp walking side-by-side, thad having had enough of riding for one day or a decade.
Sights and Sounds of Yiffberg
This work is coded as follows: many m/f, m/m/m/f (center m) .
A Long Night
Far off from the city a little Eevee scrambled beneath the treetops for cover. Rain was pounding onto the Earth like a drum while the cloudy grey sky darkened with impending night. She would take a moment to calculate the nearest best cover and make a...
Starting a new life. Ch.1 - Border
Starting a new life. Ch.1 - Border Nenyryn, a gray furry dragoness stands on the deck of an airship wearing a long leather jacket and a dark green shirt under it. She feels the wind blowing past through her fur as the sound of footsteps behind her...