Because Hercules Kabuterimon is freaking awesome!
"h-he said he wanted a gibson les paul signed by ajay bhatt, two lifetime supplies of toffee crunch and munch, and to be dressed like a girl while a gender swapped, human sized gadget hackwrench to fuck him hard and cum up his ass..."
Jwargod Commission: "Scales Of Justice"
Being a Zealot class knight wasn't easy, as Jeremiah found out. Recently he accompanied a couple of knights from a different, brotherhood order as part of his mission. Upon completion of the mission, with nothing going out of the ordinary, he returned...
Bound by Destiny 8½
With those words, sasha left the room, letting azura and the gender-swapped alexander sit there with the three lovers, leona being deep in thought while magea and jane was holding her tightly. magea was soon kissing leona, "i will do it.
Bound by Destiny 8½
With those words, sasha left the room, letting azura and the gender-swapped alexander sit there with the three lovers, leona being deep in thought while magea and jane was holding her tightly. magea was soon kissing leona, "i will do it.
Mare for an Evening
A stallion is coerced into gender swapping into a mare for an evening "date" to a school reunion... --- this story has been available for early reading one to two months ago on patreon!
Girl Pox: Frantic Frathouse Fiasco
Contains transformation, gender swap, oral, anal, regular, and lots of beer. also, all three of these stories use the 'wake up as a girl motif', they were written before i really got into the tf thing.
Going Walkies
"Bye mum, I'm taking Buddy for a walk!" The young woman zipped up her fur collared jacket and proceeded to shut the front door behind her, lead in hand. Walking just ahead of her an unusual creature indeed, like a dog yet not. Smooth teal blue...
Story Sample: Addicted to Grace
Fat Friday eyed the window of the potion shop, measuring its width with his hands. While he had less girth than his moniker implied, the window was just barely bigger than he. The front door would be easier, but Friday knew what the wards protecting...
Girl Pox: The Kumi Kunversion (TFTG Non-Furry)
Contains transformation, gender swap, lesbian, strait, anal, oral and incest. please comment if you like this story, and if you don't, stop sending me hate mail.
Final Eggnancy VII: Cloud's Chocobo Reckoning!
"hey cloud, we got gender swapped i think" she said, her brain as scrambled by the change as his was, and cloud sat down, following a instinct the now female chocobo body now demanded of cloud.
Zorbak breaks twilly
It was a gender swap spell. the spell changes the sex of the target from male to female and vice versa. it also warns that it becomes permenent if whil turned female the subject gets pregnant the change becomes permenent.
Dragoness Finesse
-- downstairs the gender swap had been a huge relief. elora's sore pussy had thrilled as her new cock slid out of the slit, her hips narrowed and eyelashes shortened.