Lonely Oak Chapter 89

I'd rather read the history of narnia or middle earth. i didn't get much sleep last night. i did the night before, when she didn't. i guess we kind of traded sleep-patterns, cuz she got really good sleep last night.

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A home I never expected

I lived in middle earth, aka new zealand. back then i had a decent job at a second hand bookstore. life was uncomplicated, i had everything i thought i would ever need.

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A Bad Batch of Lobster

His neck was getting thicker, but meanwhile, his body was shrinking down, slowly but surely, giving him all of the attractive appeal of a dwarf from middle earth that spent too much time in a tanning bed.

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JBIAF: There's No Place Like Acme Acres

(the 18 students) "...are students from middle-earth!" dixie announced victoriously, as a face-slap occurred in the background. \*another minute please\* alright, take 794! "rabbits, tea parties and queens?" questioned robyn.


Rebirth by Mushrooms - A Mimu Story

We'll be far, far underground in a secret lair, almost a middle earth really, and i've been lonely for so long..." if i could laugh, now would have been the time.

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Ski Bums Chapter 1

To think that in a few short hours he would be setting foot in middle earth itself... "those seated in rows nineteen to twenty-seven are now invited to board flight ba176 to krakow." announced a cool female voice. "that's us! oi, milo!

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Towering Strength - Dragon TF

It was the name given to the greatest, most powerful dragon in all of middle-earth, after all!" glaurung chuckled. "i suppose it does have a nice ring to it." andracca nodded. "so what are we going to do first, glaurung?"

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Easterling Endurance

Somewhat a rarity in this particular part of middle earth. he knelt down and set his bow next to him. he grabbed an empty flask from his belt and dunked it into the seemingly clear water.

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Chapter One: There Ain't Nothing in the World

His university diploma, a framed map of middle earth, and a few x-men and justice league pinups decorated the cheery wallpaper left by the prior tenant. his pride and joy, his custom gaming rig, lurked catty-corner from his bed.

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Darkness and Demons

After emerging from the blue portal, gene and i were surprised to find ourselves in a world that seemed similar to middle earth; the residents of the city all spoke in an odd dialect, guards patrolled the streets, and drunken wizard performed various magic

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Sacrifice of a Prince

A middle-earth kind of scene with a drider and goblin prince contains liquefying vore (i think it honestly falls under vampiric vore) apparently i can't stop with green goblin and the amazing spiderman 2. anyway this has two endings.. again.

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Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 2)

**number nine** **middle earth: shadow of mordor** **-** though not part of the canonical lore of the lord of the rings (at least as far as i am aware; feel free to correct me) this was a _fun_game back when i played it.

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