Deep in the Heart of the Alley

"alfie." i paused. "pardon?" "alfie. don't fuckin' call me mista norwich. makes me feel old."

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LWAOF Chapter 5 - First Day in a New School

In no time at all a human wearing a lab coat came up to alfie. "i'm doctor o'neil" o'neil introduced himself. "it's a pleasure but this kid needs help" alfie said with worry.

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Zack's Starring Role

'mmmm. . .niiice. . .' muttered alfie as his tiny armclaws twitched in pleasure, his feet not yet getting the message, but they soon would.

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Under the Bed (a short story featuring Todd and Colton)

His brothers and sisters are: alfie (23) rocco (22) lucy (17) dru (15) felix (12) beatrix (9) zelda (7) todd's nephew freddy (5) is alfie's son.

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Tom and Ash Ep. 1

Once he arrives, he's greeted by alfie who always waits for him at the school gate. "so, you ready for sports day yet?" alfie asks.

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Todd's Coming Out (Part 6)

'alfie,' i said, already nervous about where this was going. 'okay, alfie. here's what i think. you need to sit down with your old man at some point and work this out, when things have cooled off a bit.

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Todd's Coming Out (Part 9)

She probably couldn't see it was alfie she was hugging, because alfie never hugged anyone, even her. he did his best this time, and his best turned out to be pretty good.

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Prologue: Sunrise Over the Alley

Despite being fairly sure alfie was baiting him, caleb threw a haymaker at the bigger rat with all he had, knuckles crashing into alfie's skull enough to leave caleb's paw with an ache that would last for days. alfie, meanwhile, hardly budged.

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Todd's Senior Prom (Part 1)

_but_ alfie isn't happy. _but_ alfie won't get married because he knows it will end in divorce because that prom date he was once in love with is as much of a handful as he is.

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Todd's Senior Prom (Part 7- Finale)

So alfie looked at him and said "you are _not_ going to tell me that's stolen, are you?" colton tried to play it cool, but alfie knew.' 'shit,' i said. 'colton's didn't know it was joe's car?'

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