Dimension 67, Issue 1 Overview
Keep in mind this is a very condensed overview. The actual synopsis apparently contains additional detail, clarity, & introductions.A band of vigilantes named the Rebel's of the Quellers, who are from a an alternate dimension of anthropomorphic cartoon...
A story i started writing up within the last year i intended to have made into a comic. alternating from the time that is current of juan and that of her father in the past. the story revolves juan and her father and their journeys threw life.
Claimed at the Comic Shop
Though to call it a comic shop was selling it a bit short, the aging tanuki behind the counter had started it as a comic shop some thirty years ago, but since expanded it to include tabletop games, used video games and other products that catered to nerds.
Chapter 1
Stop! Stop this....please! don't do this....I beg you...please... I jostled awake and struggled to open my eyes. Even with my eyes close, I can feel the sun rays threatening to sear my eyeballs. Wrestling with the sheets, I got up and sat on my...
Super Slime Saga, Finale
Finale. It took Julie a day or two in solace, running from the hounds back at the lab and keeping in hiding, to come to terms with her situation. Thanks to her newfound powers and abilities, the slime girl could keep a low profile by making herself...
Hottest Club Around
"Oh shit. . . ." "Wait..what do you mean oh shit?!?" "It broke babe. . ." "Oh.....shit." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At last, the best...
Pongo's bitches
Pongo's bitches is an adult sex comic written by jesse220. this comic contains anthorfied pongo and perdita and anita radcliffe.
Lantaria: Search for Enlightenment. Ep2 Getting Inside
Author: From time to time I am known to write things within Braces [] Brackets {} and Parenthesis (). If it is within Parenthesis and a character is talking then it is either a thought or something the character said to himself in a very low voice. If...
fan fic of the comic done by Shaon the Kozo. StK comics.
‘I wonder when Raith's new roommate is getting here', the imp thought to herself as she walked towards Raith's room. She knew he would need help with his work when he got back from class in another ten to fifteen minutes so she decided to save a trip...
Daughter of the Hunt Ch. 01 [TF / Werewolf]
Set in the dc comics world, artemis targets wonder woman. tabitha held herself still in her chair. she sat apart from the rest of the students and all were arranged in a crescent around an old, round theater stage.
Cerise's Transformation (With Art)
#7 of roleplay characters a comic page, and a short story about cerise's first transformation! a little short story i wrote, very rough and dirty. ended a bit abruptly because i found myself rambling ^^; * * * the trials were arduous.
Dan and Jane--Finish her! (script)
Well, here's the script (in case any of you are curious as to how i write my comics. keep in mind, minor edits tend to happen when it's actually drawn out.)