Just This Little Itch 3
He grapsed connor once more, stimulating the hyena's length while he ground his own member between connor's fuzzy cheeks.
Master of Hearts (Recovery) Part 1
Be wary, yes, but don't abandon him; give him one last chance, connor." dagia pressed, massaging connor's shoulder. "i want too.... i just need some time away from him." connor agreed as dagia pat connor's shoulder.
Master of Hearts (Sometimes Lightning Strikes Twice)
Bolt asked, connor nodded.
The Mightyena and the Nerd
connor gulped and didn't make any move to go against mightyena. the needy pokemon was still aroused when he forced connor onto his hands and knees.
Descent Chapter 4
_ jason just missed one second as thoughts of tearing connor wide open with his and his fathers dicks shoved up his ass filled his mind. he didn't want to hurt connor. he would never hurt connor.
"Baby" Sitter
connor was now moaning, her smooth palms cupping his balls and sheath, while being played with gently. christie smiled, and leaned down, pressing connor further into her cleavage. "are you ok with that connor?"
The Naughty List
"connor avery...no...connor bridget? no, that's not him either. connor greeve...?"
The Escort and the Tollbooth Attendant
By the time connor got home, karens only kindness, the only inkling that she had ever loved connor, in what came next was the fact she delicately packed all of connor's possessions into two large suitcases.
Master of Hearts (Revelations) Part 2
connor demanded, and ano raised his hand for connor to calm down, "do you remember your red rock id?" connor nodded. "do you remember the contract you signed to get it?" ano asked with a knowing smile as connor shook his head.
Double J, Part 2
Jacen said, stealing a peek at connor's diaper. connor rolled his eyes and downed it as quickly as he could. jacen all but snatched the empty glass from connor and went to refill it immediately.
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That one stroke was enough to make him hit connor in the chin and the chest with ropes of cum. he clenched down hard and pulled connor deeper into him, making the dog shiver and bite his lip. "n-not gonna cum yet," connor growled.
Battle of the Brothers
"connor loves his daddy." to connor's chagrin, caiden came over and leaned in. "caiden loves his little brother." caiden said as he kissed connor's forehead. connor grumbled, but his family waited patiently. "connor loves his big brother." he said.