Hunted, Part 1: Introduction
As dawn rose over the Ferrthian jungle of Tekit, the sunlight penetrated the thick foliage and illuminated a landscape of deep browns and bright greens; the sounds of birdsong rang out among the trees. It was a beautiful and tranquil scene that would...
Done by Choice
Would you believe it that what I am about to tell was done by choice. Really it was a queer find, me finding a coke bottle painted pink and having a cork plugged into the neck of it, when I removed the cork, low and behold there came a cute as sexy...
Messy Playtime With Brian & Stewie
It was horrifying, and disgusting, and degrading, but he did it anyway, because he didn't have a choice - and all because of the human, and the drugs, and the leash.
Fly Off the Wall (Filth)
_\<\<\<Warning: This story contains material not suitable for all audiences. Read at your own discretion.\>\>\>_ **Fly off the Wall** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Rbbrmutation **[May 22nd, 2010]** The senior prom was an important...
Hunted, Part 3: Dinosaur Scat & Target Abduction
He couldn't stop himself from shuddering; it was, hands-down, the most disgusting thing he'd ever experienced in his life.
Hunted, Part 2: A Series Of Nasty Events
In the jungle of Tekit, on the planet known as Ferrth, there was a young human man named Mark. Mark had two notable problems, one more pressing than the other: his first problem was that he was being hunted by a determined pack of dire wolves. His...
Center of Attention
Can't believe you guys find this kind of disgusting thing remotely hot." one of the group muttered, walking back out of the bathroom.
Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Part 3
Rapunzel, merida, mabel pines, sofia, anna, elsa, honey lemon, go-go tomago, riley anderson, joy, disgust, judy hopps, gazelle, and moana belong to disney/pixar. the male bodyguards belong to me.
The Last One
_\<\<\<WARNING: The following story contains extreme filth. Read at your own risk.\>\>\>_ **The Last One** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Gorillajack Coburn had been a beautiful town... once. It had been a peaceful harbor town that was...
Nick's Bully, Part 2
Then, image after image of billy flashed through her mind, each one more and more disgusting, until she could almost breathe his scent, hear his belches and moans and grunts.
Hollow Hallows (Extreme)
The tip of his cock drooled a disgustingly green cum that mixed with the rotten orange of mitch's skull. blade's 'mask' was now a filthy mixture of green and blade mold, both on the inside and the outside.
In disgust he tried to pull his feet out. but it was stuck like he had placed his feet on glue. after he stopped, he began to feel a little bit shorter as the bog made a gas bubble the more he moved. "ew...." "i can't get my fucking feet out!"