Rocket Ditto
"go ditto!" one of the grunts threw his ball releasing a ditto. this ditto was no ordinary ditto however. this ditto was a translucent black with red eyes compared to the everyday purple ditto.
My first pokemon - the forest
"i'm sorry, i didn't know that would happen, i only chose to give you a cock and bigger boobs, but the rest was an accident i'm sorry" ditto says. "that's alright i'm glad we met" i tell ditto. "i'm glad we met too" ditto tells me.
Rough Night
Looking around the pen, the ditto was no where in sight. for a second he thought he may have dreamt it all up. but as his tailhole opened, the ditto began to slide out.
Sweet Dreams
The sleeping lucario pulled down on ditto's hips, grinding more eagerly into that perfect copy of his ass while the ditto gave control to the hips of the sleep-fucking rizzo.
My first pokemon - missy gets a slave
"ditto change into a pikachu" i tell hir.
My life with blaziken chapter 17
The ditto was constantly readjusting its internal structure, so every thrust was different. after eight more orgasms, i felt ready to black out, but the ditto had other plans. right as i was about to orgasm again, the ditto a tongue released its grip.
Lovers in the night
The ditto completely enter her body making her belly and breast bulge with the ditto's and they start fucking her breast and tight slit. ari and the other two watch the ditto's fucking buzz deep and hard stretching her breast and pussy wide open.
Ranch Rounds - Rhydon
ditto nods and doubles the muscles around syn's cock. "are you gonna shoot it into them if i give it to you?" syn asks feeling his big, heavy, cum filled balls tingling. ditto once again nods and syn grins.
The Trick to Breeding
The ditto, though, went to work.
Ranch Rounds ch.11 - Rydon & Ranch Worker
ditto nods and doubles the muscles around syn's cock. "are you gonna shoot it into them if i give it to you?" syn asks feeling his big, heavy, cum filled balls tingling. ditto once again nods and syn grins.
Ditto's New Form
ditto bounced, sensing the power in this form, and knew it had to find a way to adopt the form. while it was known that a ditto could breed with any pokemon, except legendaries.
A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 26: A Battle In the Gardenia (part 1)
"okay, ditto: transform!" cried shane as the battle started: ditto morphed into a cherubi, though it was lighter in color. "cherubi, leech seed!" ordered as the pokemon launched a barrage of seeds and vines towards ditto.....though shane kept his cool.