Chapter 6: Completing Dizzy
Dani wanted dizzy there. i looked to the still goopy husk of the inflatable dizzy and sighed, realising i'd have to empty and dry that at least once before the end of the con.
Don't Mess With Dizzy's Sheep
Why'd you have to make dizzy so hot? >.>" read, enjoy, share... my corruption is now complete. x3 lykanos belongs to me and the ravishing dizzy belongs to dizfoley. do not use them without getting the owner's permission first.
Dizzy Twister 2: A Lunchbox and a Cutie Mark
A story of how the background pony dizzy twister got her cutie mark, a prequel to dizzy twister: the alicorn dizzy twister: a lunchbox and a cutie mark (a prequel to dizzy twister: the alicorn) written by: colin stewart -- specopsfox this
Saving People, Hunting Things...
Id=633895) by [dizzi morhlis]( "just a little further, good boy..." "a-ahh, no, just... yeah, like that... aaannd perfect!"
[SNEAK PEEK] Quick Snack
**Quick Snack** **Subscriber Reward for Izzy (Jan 2024)** **By Limewah** **Featuring characters and setting from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon** **18+** **SNEAK PEEK** Ion's stomach was growling non-stop, to the point that it was making the...
Chapter 4: Finishing Touches
"it's forever yours wuffie" murred dizzy in charlie's ear. "as is mine dizzy" whispered charlie looking up and smiling into dizzy's eyes.
A Valentine's Surprise
D-dizzy..." moaned charlie softly, holding onto dizzy's shoulder to support himself, pre starting to ooze from their tips onto dizzy's paw, making it nice and slick for his paw to move faster and easily. "t-take me hun...
Fox Family 4: The Rebellion Begins
And in this case dizzy seemed even more determined but felix knew why, it was because dizzy has had it way worse. dizzy was apart of a bigger family and being the youngest didn't help either.
Fox Family 8: Divide and conquer
dizzy came down and didn't even hesitate, he went in deeply at full force. felix opened his eyes and still held in all that pain. dizzy didn't wait for felix to get comfy. dizzy was just relentless. dizzy got that look in his eyes.
Fox Family Six: Parent teacher night
dizzy mom said, "now everyone hush." they all took a step and stopped. dizzy mom asked, "now dizzy what is this thing doing in our house." dizzy said, "enough's enough. it's time i came clean with the truth ma, this cat here is andrea.
Beautiful Stranger
But what dizzy didn't know, was that the raichu often took a peek at him, hoping his cover wouldn't be blown soon. dizzy sighed as he watched the stars. "yeah? does.. that mean i'm intruding?"
Fox Family 3
Felix was against the furthest corner with dizzy. dizzy said, "damn you know what tomorrow is right?" dizzy said, "the school chase.