
Now all of her hard work had paid off, and she was to be assigned as deputy chief adviser to none other than the empress herself, empress kri'a solan iii.

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Let Go

What worried her was that the empress had noticed their friendship as well. one could hardly have expected anything else, and miri only hoped that the empress wouldn't grow suspicious.

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Star Fox: The Unexpected Mission, Ch5: A Simple Mind Game

" see..first off, do you know about empress?" kei asked while tilting his head. "empress...what?" fox asked, expecting a name after that title. "just empress..that's her name.

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Overcasting 3: Chapter 6

It has always attached itself to the empress; power desires power." "only the empress desires power. katia does not. empress always there, just subdued." "it's why katia dreamed of her. why the empress tried to control her before."

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Review 1 - Sapphy Gets the Royal Treatment

Surely the empress would be able to appreciate that. this is the first in a new series i'm writing.

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Envoys and Diplomats

"ahhhh, you two must be the traders for the empress! got a room reserved for ya upstairs.

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You know what an empress is, you know how an empress must act, and you know what an empress must do.- she placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders. -you have admirers among the subjects of the ascendancy.

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Queen to Be Thicc_ Second Draft

"she's empress now as all the other old dragons have gone to sleep..." mimrus raised a claw to clutch at the side of his head. "empress...? sleep...? oh..."

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"this all seems a little above my pay grade, empress." the empress pressed a button under the table, shutting off the display. "ah, yes," she said. "we were just discussing a few things."

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Return to Normal

Aria wished that someone had thought to bring her a change of clothes before coming to see the empress. -lieutenant me'lia,- the empress said, pulling aria away from her thoughts.

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