Renzyl's Worldswide Tour - Planet Two: Savorus IV
"the glue trap you're in takes about a half an hour to dry, and then we figure on giving you another half an hour head start.
Puzzled 2
Next to his pieces was a small bottle of glue. there was something special about the glue, when spread across connected parts it would fuse them together.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 10
"glue the imp to the door" she said again, as if it were the most natural command in the world.
Venturing: Five Inlock
I said, turning my attention towards the glue sticks, "this is the final evidence. these seem to be glue sticks; but taking off the cap however..." i trailed off already having spotted yang, grabbing one of the sticks.
The Adventures of Peter Gray: Chapter 13: Sticky Situation Part 1
What could i use along with me glue? i looked around the alleyway for anything and everything.
My life with Blaziken chapter 12
Perhaps she was delirious from the glue fumes. and then i though, why the fuck do i have an entire bucket full of glue instead of a bottle of it? "are you ok?" i asked from a distance, then i thought of something else.
The Adventures of Nall Wolf: Ch.2:The Awakening
The glue wasn't in its usual spot, so he started looking on random shelves and in drawers. he opened up one of the drawers of a china cabinet and started digging, only to find not the glue, but something a bit more interesting.
Tabletop Stimulator
"i'll leave the glue to dry for now," he loomed over sukutto menacingly, "but i'm not done with you yet.
A tale of Twilight
Both of them were getting incredibly frustrated as their hands grew increasingly sticky and glue covered. twilight squirted another drop of glue from the tube onto the model and attached another piece.
The Wrong Book part 2 gift for night_spore426
With glue gripping from cassy's neither region i come to find after some time that i can no longer thrust in her but instead end up wiggling about, i find the sources of the glue also as it seems i am being held up against her cervical door tickling it, prodding
No Harm, No Foal
The tiger took out the tube of glue, unscrewed the cap and squeezed a line of glue over the metal zip. the glue heated up as it hardened, and the human knew something was wrong. he struggled against the tiger, but the tiger held him down.
Challenges - July Rule 34 Story #2 (Teaser)
Talon found a small vial of glue on a work bench and squeezed a portion of it onto the end of the broken broomstick.