Lunaforte Granz Part one: Unnatural selection
The kemono exercise compound was filled with lush vegetation and a domed ceiling that mimicked the sky of the world above. but no matter how convincing it may have been made to look. to six it was still a cage.
un simple rêve
Qui le fesait douter sur la fausseté de tout ça mais de toute facon,c'était peut-être parce que darkrey avait fait des beuverie sauvage ,lui qui était rendu à l'université avec ses potes jackal et hyenalicious ,il avait arrêté de porter l'uniforme du lycée kemono
New Lease
Obviously you are now a kemono. the reconstructive surgery was necessary to save your life." the wolf doctor reached over and gently patted her leg. "in addition, i have good news; the new form also comes with a job.
My Ideal [Bara] Guy
The end result was: - shindan: ideal bara-kemono - name used in shindan: dustin calverton - shindan result: dustin calverton's ideal bara-kemono is a musclegut dog wearing a speedo. now with that all said and done, i want to apologize right now.
A Peculiar Find
Are you a kemono friend?" "that's what i'm thinking, yeah." "and the stuff in the jar, was it that stardust stuff, or whatever they call it?" "sandstar, and yeah, i'm pretty sure it was." "ok... um...
Fun in Tom Nook's Party Part 2
It's one of the anime that better use kemono characters that i saw! god, i still hope one day it will get a second season... so this story is kinda like a "what-if" crossover of both of those!
Best Kept Secret
This story was enter in a writing contest for o-kemono 's a gentle touch contest a two and half years ago. i kept the story secret until i just found out that i didn't win. t_t so here is the short story as written.
Terrifying Reality: Part 1 (2017)
Incarnata is the artist of the artwork i used. watch him if you're into bara kemono, he deserves a look! tags combine into both parts.
TOKYO ZONE Episode 7 Hiccups + The Sea monster
It's a kemono hen'i-tai!" one male student shouted out. suddenly it realized that it was being watched and shot out an electrical beam out of its mouth as everyone backed off and avoided the attack. "come on!"
Calafin's Vacation Surprise
Glancing around hir at the furniture, the kemono doing nothing to hide hir obvious bosom, shi looked almost like a visiting member of japanese royalty as shi chirruped "takumori?"
Section I
"kemono...mimi?" "kitsune-mimi. klarke-san, yurushi." the world went dark as she clutched my throat with one hand and struck me in the back of the head with the other.
The Rose and The Bull
World and the characters in it minus my own omc goes to dynewulf, as he's the rightful creator of this world and characters, i sincerely suggest you all try the game, you can get it in his partreon page, you won't be disappointed (i wasn't, it's a well-made kemono