Drachenherz Teil 73

Aus seiner hosentasche nahm er einen kunai und warf diesen nach ihm. der kunai flog in rieders schulter; wenige sekunden danach zog er ihn da wieder heraus und dann auf den boden.

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Kunoichi vs The Ryxian

She was throwing her kunai as fast as she could, taking out one after the other, until she ran out of kunai. she tried to fight them, but they were too strong for her 5'3" body, no matter how hard she trained each day.

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Bloodwhisker: Chapter 1 ~A New beggining~

Tao threw the kunai directly into it's lens, peircing it all the way through, before jumping into the air a little, yanking the kunai out of the destroyed camera, and destoying the other. to be continued...

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Keeping his focus, he watches kam twist, as if in slow motion, seeing the shine of the kunai's blade as he steps back, footclaws digging into the wall as he uses it for leverage just behind him.

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A Pleasurable Ambush

I groan and slowly stand, moving to draw another kunai but my hand was stopped as within a flash he moved to me and smacked me to the ground, the kunai clattering to the ground far away.

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De nuevo guerra Cap. IV

Pero... podemos practicar puntería con mis kunais y shurikens. eso si sería bueno. pues, sin mejores propuestas empezaron a recolectar algunos kunais y shurikens que había tirado kuma en su cuarto.

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Cherries bloom wild

I made the kunai you used as bases of the sharp strings fade and hit you."

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Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 6: The Raid

Hesh begins to focus light into his kunai and throws a set, sticking them into the ship.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 3 (Home Coming - Part 3)

Sasuke and naruto saw a flurry of kunai and shuriken fly in their direction, naruto readied himself getting into a position to draw his sword.

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Fawx Phoenix's First advendture

After asking him again if he was sure, i handed him the kunai and said "do it yourself, i must be going." with that, i grabbed my things and took off, leaving him behind me with a kunai in his paw, a grimace on his face, and probably some bit of despair.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 21 (Club Shuriken - Part 4)

Sasuke deflected them with his kunai and once again charged straight at kiba.

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The Shadows Book One: The War for EarthEnd - Chapter Ten.

About midway through that, blackpaw began asking that liki not just hand him the kunai, but toss them up in the air toward him.

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