Finding New Friends
"to answer your question, they made _a lot_ of manure, and i'm sure there's still more to come, so you'll have plenty to play with."
Hunted, Part 4: Engulfed In Scat & Washing Wolves
Thirty seconds later, his outstretched paw had disappeared under the monumental influx of scat that followed, leaving a truly gigantic pile of manure in the wake of the green sauropod's huge bowel movement.
A Dragons fear A Riders Invitation.
"well nirea, the manure makes the soil more fertile, allowing for the crops to grow better than they would without it." eragon said taking the bag and spreading the manure across the garden.
The Buckhides - Breaking in the Boys
"m-manure!" he gasped, drooling as couldn't help but give vira's hand a gentle hump.
Samuel's Courage (QCP: BJ-Eps04)
"if you're ready for this, then here we go... horse manure from earth has a particular odor when it's broken during shoveling. so i hope your nose can handle this."
Fourth Steamy Day at Hortonville High (Entry #4 for Bad Fanfiction Writing Contest)
manure!" so he went to visit the pegasus pony fluttershy, as she was a horse ... "you w-want me to shit on you?" "yes, if that's not too much trouble" "oh, its no trouble at all.
Farmyard Stink-Off
The rules encouraged the use of flatulence, urine, and manure to turn on one's opponent.
Scent of a Bull
It looked more so looked like the manure the cows made and even had the same sort of consistency.
Easter bunnies (fairy tale dream)
Of course they are not made of meat - said indignantly ronald geza them more humane mission , ordinary rabbits produced per ton of feed three tons of manure, and my rabbits ten times more, they almost did not sleep all the time and eat almost continuously
After The Buffet
The taste and amount of manure she had swallowed had simply been too much.
The Hunter of Baile Chapter 1: A Boy and his Farm
Often wishing things would change, which they would in due course, although north had no way of knowing that when he was up to his elbows in manure for the better part of his morning.
The foul excrement engulfed him up to his torso as the she-creature's immense vagina spit him out into the manure-heap.