Changed Opinions
A person in need chapter 3: changed opinions "well, this is gonna be awkward." zachariah could not help but think to himself, as he walked down the halls looking for the collie that he had received a kiss from but one night ago.
Professional Opinion
"I cannot believe I am about to do this..." Mark muttered to himself, parking his sedan and bringing down the sunblocker to reveal a mirror. His concerned reflection stared back at him. He was an average looking...
Professional Opinion
"It just feels like he never fucking listens to me, for fuck's sake just LOOK how he is dressed!" How many times has Quinn heard this? After seven years of being an LGBTQ+ relationship counselor in a rather densely populated city center, it must be...
Public Opinion
Commission request formsupport on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord server public opinion by calextheneko "this is an outrage!" the lean aging figure of mayor whortleberry slammed his fist into his desk.
Storm-me ~ ~ ~
Looking beyond a vail I see a sea worth of reasons to sail Into the waves of emotions trying to maintain a balance in vein As the relationships rock to & fro, the motions become evermore out of control The title wave that tips is one of which...
Political Corruption
?Throughout history many men and women have asked the question, "Are all politicians corrupt?" The answer to this well known question is yes, many of them are corrupt. Ranging from Barack Obama to Robert Mugabe to John Key, many different politicians...
Canvast... A wall blank, a canvas of infinity, if only by choice A word in reality, given more by a voice A reason still written, only known if read... A wanting of understanding in life, we all wander & wonder ahead Beside the bedside Behind...
Krystal and Chase: Opinions
Krystal belongs to nintendo / rare all others are mine krystal and chase opinions: the field was quiet for now. a gentle breeze wafted across the lush grass as the sun heated the planet below it.
Tora- A Difference in Opinion
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*8\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Ori lead Aaron through the Mt. Silver, almost going back the way they came, but they made a turn at the falls and kept going from there. During the walk, Aaron asked some questions to...
Paranormal Activity
?It's quite funny the way people ignore the paranormal. They seem to shake it off with their rational mind as an animal or something. However, some paranormal existences see this as a challenge. Paranormal entities feed off attention from living...
Author: Mew Intro- Once upon a time in a Beautiful castle there lived a king and a queen, they were the happiest couple the world had ever seen, every day the king would surprise the queen with spontaneous gifts that he had bought or found from distant...
Order Up 3: Matters of Opinion
Is there a difference of opinion i didn't know about?" trystan sat down next to the other fox and put an arm around him, thankful when brue didn't shrug him off. "i guess so.