In the Heat of Passion
R&r pls in the heat of passion during a time of crisis, a volcano erupted covering the sun in its dark ashes, the city of claystone was subjected to days of torture.
Passion in Question
So new to passion that when it was questioned i knew no compassion even when it was mentioned. i stood by idly as they ravaged freely that which i held dearly was nearly dead to me.
Playing For Passion
She reached down, pressing her lips softly against chelsea's, the two sharing a long passionate kiss.
Primal Passion
Weights seemed to be lifted as Rodney drank his late night coffee. If the raccoon knew who had created coffee then he'd build a shrine in their honor. All he needed was one cup, one cup and he could get back to his research at close to top proficiency....
Passion of the blocks
In the beginning, there was only a lonely blue square, waiting in a corner of the screen. A somewhat rhythmic was playing in the background, but it wasn't enough to cheer up the poor, lonely square. Then it happened; another piece started to slowly...
Blind Passion
You can see know why i was lost in a sea of endless passion and overwhelming pleasure. my senses left my brain and took a very long extended vacation.
dark passion
Okay sorry this took so long I had a hard time writing it for some reason. The next chapter should be along much sooner. Thank you all for reading and watching and if you have something you want see leave a comment. "Geez I spent two years...
Moonlight Passion
The white feline cat stood infront of his stand up mirror that was off to the left of his closet and against the wall. His white fur shimmered with soft glares of light reflection that the moon shone down on him from outside his window. Though it was...
Love and passion
I would want to show my love the passion and love i have for her. kissing her softly, but passionately. doing nothing, but showing her my undying love for her in every moment i spend with her. pleasing every inch of her and in every way i can.
Primal Passion
The beast acted with a single-minded passion that would have stirred re vataen's loins had he not already been aroused.
Passion Erupt
#1 of in need of drake passions erupt drake was now very worried and now wished he hadn't disturbed the horny badger but it was too late to back out.
Passion's Flame
She knelt down in front of the dragon with her head lowered. His scales were traditionally colored for a charizard. Red overtone with a cream underbelly and blue wings. He was easily four feet taller than she was, considering he stood around seven...