Poke-Digi Pleasure
One day, in West Shinjuku, Takato and Guilmon were playing in Guilmon's hideout, when all of a sudden Takato's digivice started to glow."Let's go Guilmon." said Takato. When they got to the correct location Takato scaned the digimon only to find out...
Poke Paradise: White
#4 of poke paradise hey, all! so, this is the rp i did with my second rp partner, starhunter! also, the first legend visits poke paradise. happy fapping!
Poke Paradise: Vince
#1 of poke paradise hey, all! so, about a month ago, i started an rp in the public endless yiff roleplay forum entitled poke paradise. it was a place where anyone here could go as a pokemorph and have some fun with other pokemorphs, played by me.
Poke-Rus 2.0
By the time it stopped, ash and pikachu were in the middle of a forest, far away from any road that he recognized and his poke-dex completely fired by the rain.
The Poke-Zoo: Pashimian
He smiled as he saw a small group of flying pokemon moving close to the train, trying to keep up with the cars, and looking further, he could see a small bit of grey poking through the green.
poke friends forever
"hey" micheal asked, "do you have a spare poke ball?" the girl cocked her head "poke ball? those things suck, but if you insist i have a few extra left over from when i started my journey" "can i have one?" micheal asked.
Among the Girls - (Wigglytuff TF)
"don't forget, pokes will be watching how you perform, how you walk, and even how you talk -- ooh, that's an idea. we totally need to help you with that! you sound all boyish and nerdy!" _what's wrong with how i speak?_ valence wondered.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 3 - Evolution
Here is the third part. Sorry if it has mistakes, I was kind of rushing. Why? Yeah I know rushing isn't good but...I've planned this story so much ahead itis kind of happening on its own. Enjoy the...
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 4 - Meet my new friends, friends!!
Kyurex looked at the dark, light blueish sky. He tried to surpress his sorrow, but it didn't work well. „I'm just...going to chill....here..." he closed his eyes. He would regain his strength, and plan his next intentions when he...
Pokémon: Battle of the Sexings
Inside him, he could feel a poking and prodding and tensing of skin, as his testicles began to swell and take shape.
(Reboot) Poke U: Move In Day
My name is rex owens and i am attending the prestigious university called pokémon university, or poke u for short.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 9 - Two Friends
Okay, this is my last "short" part of this series (that means the next ones will be looong). And its also the shortest. Well the reason is because the plot is progressing quickly in my brain so I've got to write everything won well its all...