Puberty's a Bitch 2 - Summer Adventure
The past year was taxing to say the least... going through a rather transformative puberty (for at least a part of him)... starting high school in a new town... causing a sudden increase in the mouse population of the town thanks to the libidinous hanna visio
Puberty Sucks a Second Time As Well
#1 of puberty sucks a second time as well 'what's this i'm hearing? does it have to be so loud?'
The story of me.
I am twelve years old and just starting puberty. it is the middle of the day and i am in english class. now with me in the back of the room i am just casually learning and sometimes playing with my pencil by spinning it on the desk.
The Toy
_The following story contains masturbation and anthromorphism (furries). If you don't like it, get out! If you are not of a legal age to view it, follow the guy who just left ;) By reading this, you automatically agree to take responsibility for your...
Years On
Here we go, Chapter two. Again, if you are below eighteen please ask your guardian's permission, if not, happy yiffing. In case I didn't mention it, this is my second ever yiff attempt, if you count this and the first chapter as one, so (waves hand)...
pokemon, gym leaders, and little girls, oh my!
Marquis, an Alakazam story Marquis had a good life. He was a Kadabra of no small power and his father; an Alakazam was the favorite pokemon of the gym leader Sabrina, one of the most powerful gym leaders in the Kanto region. He had been...
A Brief Report on Dragons ver. 2
Chapter 2: puberty for most organisms, puberty is an awkward stage of life in which the body rapidly matures and gets ready for adulthood. this leads to such things as voice changes and an increase in hormones that cause more changes.
Yiff School Part 2
Finnaly, his legs thinned and now he looked like a wolf bitch in puberty!!!! he looked at the serum bottle: puberty enhanser for girls. warning: do not use on males!!! "oh shit!" he exclaimed in a girlish voice. "something wrong dear?"
Yes or no
A ball rolled over to the couch and bounced off. Kate saw it at the corner of her eye and stopped watching the TV to make the small investigation. Kate was a beautiful growing fox dull orange fur with red highlights weaved in. Her paws, tips of her...
Unbroken Bonds: Chapter 2
Second course, hope it's OK. As usual any comments are apreciated \*\*\* "Get out of bed, you'll be late for your first day of school!" blared Kathryn, mother of mine. I rubbed my still bleary eyes and stretched long and hard. I was never...
Chapter 1 - The Click that Changes Everything
Then the professor talked about the changes of puberty that occurred in lizards. increased height and features, sperm production, deeper voice...again, it was all too familiar.
Star Fox: A Prologue
Hey guys, Kira here. I'm just dropping in to write this Fan Fiction, starring the famous Fox McCloud and my own character, Kira R. Hawthorne. He's of my own creation, but he hasn't been drawn yet. I would really like someone to draw him for free, but I...