Ten Wolves to Midnight
Storm's howl was muffled on saturn's knot, but he added to the puddle beneath him, all of his paws getting touched by the edges of it now.
Pokémon Schnapps/Tequila/Daiquiri Chapter 3
"i'm puddle." "that's a strange name," commented lauren. "that's a strange hair colour," tease back puddle. lauren grinned, flicking her dark blue hair behind her back.
The Goo-Zard
It fell like a waterfall from his hands, making a giant puddle at his feet.
Welcome to the Jungle... Nursery Part 2: Marcus
Welcome to the Jungle...Nursery? An Entirely Too Niche-y Kinky Story by Terinas Tiger Part 2: Marcus Marcus noticed many things that he felt other people did not. For example, as he'd walked down the hallway towards the stairs, he noticed that the...
Goo TF
He set the box down to the side, then dove at the ground, seemingly diving into a growing puddle of blue goo. now it was jayri's turn to be shocked, staring at a now shifting, blobby puddle of blue goo. "wha... hm..."
Recontexualize 26 - Unravel
It took her four puddles later to find one that was possibly bear cum. she wouldn't have the opportunity to sample every single puddle before making a choice. thus, she started licking this puddle up. the bitter taste of bear cum filled her mouth.
The Town That Melted Away
Gurg was disgusted when he discovered a yellow puddle just where the cat had been sitting. gurg grabbed a disposable handkerchief and began scrubbing the yellow puddle away, but then the yellow puddle began to scream and waddled away.
Slimey Secrets
The puddle then activated the robe's emergency beacon function. soon, many archaeologists would flood the ruins and meet the same fate. with many slime puddles residing in the ruin, they would be ready.
Forgotten - Chapter 8: Housebreaking
She looked to the puddle, that large, daunting puddle, and she shivered, wondering if she could really do what was needed. but first, her eyes were drawn to that bulging knot. cosyne was still hard, throbbing, and whining.
Learning the Ropes (Part 2)
Chelsea thought, and moved her head closer to the puddle that sat on her sheets. she then proceeded to lick the puddle with the tip of her tongue. "mmm..."
Princess Sally and Bunnie' s fun and unusual night Part 3
After that was decided as salunnie, they proceeded to melt down back into a puddle and then by doing so separated into two separate puddles and that is when they decided to have some more fun with this new ability/power.
Recontextualize 22 - Fancy Pet Club
Unfortunately, she didn't get the break she wanted, there were many more puddles for her to clean throughout the place. puddle after puddle, she didn't realize that she would become full from swallowing vomit.