His Teeth, Her Body
His teeth, her body for glynwolf by draconicon what do you call a meeting of prey and predators? the answer, apparently, was a munch, and this was malcolm's first.
The Brotherhood of Teeth Part 4
#4 of the brotherhood of teeth the brotherhood of teeth a parted story by drake valdor involves: age differences, some forced, transformations, werewolves, yiff, and fur-non-fur. you have been warned.
The Brotherhood of Teeth Part 3
#3 of the brotherhood of teeth the brotherhood of teeth a parted story by drake valdor involves: age differences, forced, transformations, some under-age drinking, some blood, vampires, werewolves, and fur-non-fur. you have been warned.
The Brotherhood of Teeth part 2
#2 of the brotherhood of teeth the brotherhood of teeth a parted story by drake valdor involves: age differences, some forcing, transformations, some blood, and fur-non-fur. you have been warned.
The Brotherhood of Teeth Part 1
#1 of the brotherhood of teeth the brotherhood of teeth a parted story by drake valdor involves: age differences, some forcing, transformations, some blood, and fur-non-fur. you have been warned.
Kohaku, What's Happiness?
I clenched my teeth, ready to die in this cold snow, my broken body taking refuge inside snow, my soul, i found happiness a little too late.
Stalked at Night: Prompt
It hid me from the predatory glint of those razor-sharp teeth that shined like polished silver in the night. it's all that i could do, cower in fear and exhaustion.
Running eases the mind...
She was gasping for him when she felt the burn of his teeth, catching onto the join in her shoulder and neck.
A Light in a Sea of Dark
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was...
He couldn't help but giving a suddenly very sharp looking grin as his teeth shifted and reformed.
The Phlebotomist
Then, slowly, andy ran the pre that dribbled down panda's head and ran it across his teeth. with a few muttered words of a familiar spell his teeth to sharpened until they were pointed fangs.
Bearnard Z: It seeks revenge (Prologue)
They were stressed out, and clenched their teeth as they panicked. the person would then look back and notice a shiny object that was dropped in the middle of the corridor.