War High: A Fox's Tale; Chapter 2 part 1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ as a heads up, let me tell you all that indeed, yes i will now officialy be incorporating 'the supernatural' into my storyline, so now it is going to be becoming very sorta, unrealistic

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Come as You Are - Scene 1

Finally, while this story is based on true events, it has been exaggerated and has what may be considered an unrealistic ending. scene 1 at rise: (two rooms, separated by a wall, but from two different houses.

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Black Petals: Chapter 5 ~ Rome Took Forever.

These usually last for an unrealistic amount of time (if they're shown at all). one would often find regimens such as this in media from chun-nan and neighboring countries. unfortunately for one amy rose, she has found herself living such a scenario.

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Mmmmm.... Soul....

The lab can't help but relax as he feels an unrealistic sense of pleasure overtake his body. this is amazing, the lab thinks to himself, why would he torture me for nearly a month, then make me feel the best i ever had?...

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Just Once: Side Stories: Body-Positive

However, when you call them fat and ugly because they look perfectly fine, but don't look unrealistically hot, you officially are not good enough for them, and you absolutely do not deserve to get laid.

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In my mind, though, that seems far too unrealistic support that deep in the mountains is unidealistic. must i keep that a secret from everybody i meet, though? you probably couldn't tell, anyway, that there i would like to go.

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Web Friends (If you liked and want to know the rest, send me a message)

_so, you also like to think of unrealistic ways to make life easier._ _it's a good way to suffer, haha -_ he said. _hey, let's play questions game - he proposed._ i smiled. it had been a long time since i felt excited.

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The Hallowed Manor

_- asked a manly voice... a bit husky with unrealistic echo. soon after that i saw the strangest fur ever... a wolf... but without a lower jaw. i could see his tongue hanging.

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The Dogs: Hand In Heart - Episode I

"uh - uh, i think bligh thought it was a little too unrealistic." he replaced the phone back to his pocket with a sympathetic smile. "you know how--"             "unrealistic?" stephen cut in, dubious. "really? werewolves? fucking werewolves?

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With Grace

People can have their dreams and be so goddamn happy and not end up in prison and yet i go chasing mine and i am in prison something is wrong something is wrong when the dreams of a young man are shot down before they are started because they are labeled "unrealistic

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The Galactic Ferderation of Light 2

Its force-fields seemed sort of unrealistic. how do you shield from a meson gun? judging by it's mass i'd say it was a small warship. it must have been part of their crustal defense. and judging by its actions and the propaganda it broadcast at us.

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Placing the leash of the devil in the hands of a timid lamb

Caught between the horror of what had almost ended her life and the unrealistic transformation that her partner, mr. orufe' had taken made her realize that his nickname as the 'big bad' was far from a joke.

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