We Don't Just Fade Away
After all, he was no more powerful than wepwawet had been, and wepwawet had been strangely... unsatisfying.
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Pleasure Island and the Pyramid Casino
://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/marilyn)) minerva mink ([http://animaniacs.wikia.com/wiki/minerva\_mink](http://animaniacs.wikia.com/wiki/minerva_mink)) sheema ([http://questforglory.wikia.com/wiki/shema](http://questforglory.wikia.com/wiki/shema)) wepwawet
You paid no mind to this because you didn't know the truth about that snake, but an experimental prayer to wepwawet sent you into a catatonic state where you had holy visions, finally unveiling what the olympians had hid.
Temple of the Exiled God - Part Four
Simply spending at least the next few millennia of his eternity making up for every lost moment of bliss that had been denied to him by wepwawet's cruel trap.
Handling the Situation
. :3 **handling the situation** when shakal had asked anubis to provide him with a tentacle monster with which he could torment and tease wepwawet, for some reason the panther had simply assumed that the monster in question would only care about
Demon Castle Digitalpotato - The Egyptian Hall
"i should say so, since you seem to look quite like wepwawet," sobek chuckled.
Just a Little Halloween Incest
Besides, you're more of a wepwawet, think." "wepwawet?" anita nodded eagerly, "yes, wepwawet. anubis' brother. he had a wolf's head, anubis is usually portrayed as a jackal. quite different!
Worthy of the Goddess? - Kinktober 2021, Day 14
wepwawet's rear end desperate for any sensation to provoke ecstasy within him? you would not rather summon cerberus and feel yourself being split open by their rampant passions?" shakal's face burned hot beneath his dark fur.
Hunter’s Moon: Special Operations
wepwawet took the ball in his massive jaws and stomped thrice on the ground with his right hind paw. the ground formed a tunnel and into this tube the hound made his descent. when wepwawet had gone, the sky cleared once more.
Temple of the Exiled God - Part Five
Lighting up the message which wepwawet had created for anyone who had gotten this far to freeing anubis.
The Jackal's Fortune
'_then simply do not do it again,_ **wepwawet** _, opener-of-ways, bridger-of-worlds. make the choice to give instead of to take, to love instead of to hate.
Hunter's Moon: A Declaration of War
Nearby, wepwawet was lying down on a cushion. the hound would devour the soul of anyone the judges sentenced to eternal death. "colonel, i..." hu started, only to be silenced by the young jackal. "it is no consequence.