D.E1 Prologue
"it is not only our friend's youngling whose life depends on you. the two unborn that you carry in your belly... our younglings... they depend on your survival." he told her. tears flooded his eyes.
ii. Working the Counter (12~1~07)
Ayumi and samantha tried desperately to be as patient as possible with the younglings, even though each group contained at least four members who wanted to brand themselves 'zion' for the next game.
In need of a Favor
As i continued to drive nowhere i called her elders which had our younglings, and asked if they wouldn't mind watching over them for the time being.
A Taste of Seed
"i suppose so," the youngling nuzzled him eagerly before slapping a fond lick between his scrunched eyes. "fly well." "you too," makaidos growled softly.
Obviously the buyer's muscle, and just as obviously a youngling.
Harvest Moon: Dice Perspective - Random idea 1
A story made in reverance towards the straight community. Have at it ye harken pervs.! lol hope you all like Harvest Moon: Dice's Perspective By Karakit Ishtari I could smell it the strong scents of a hundred things around me, sifting them through...
The Lost Hatchling
While this was happening the youngling's parents had woken to find that he was missing, immediately realizing that he had gone to fly in the storm.
Finding the Past
In her mind's eye, she could make out the features of the small dragon youngling, as he lay on the other side of the fire. he was like a blurry, out-of-focus mirage.
The Valley of Echoes
In her mind's eye, she could make out the features of the small dragon youngling, as he lay on the other side of the fire. he was like a blurry, out-of-focus mirage.
Salvaged Ch. 6: Shifted Priorities
I want to raise these younglings. they are mine... they are the gift i thought i would never have." she leaned up a little, squeezing his hand. "kyle... will you be a father to these younglings? i can't think of a better male for the task than you."
The Last Tale- Chapter One
She was old and wasn't sure she was feeling up to telling her tale to yet another round of younglings.
Urban Exploration III
"good youngling. oh so good...such a good bitch..." _you will take him one day youngling...when both of you are ready...and hear his howls of pleasure with your knot buried under his tail. there is no feeling like it..._ "oh god!"